Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 12, 2016

Top 7 Ways Your Body Benefits From a Dairy Free Diet

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While many of us grew up sporting milk mustaches, today, there's a lot of controversy surrounding dairy. See the 7 ways you can benefits from a dairy-free diet.

Got Milk?
Chances are the answer to this popular slogan is yes (and plenty of it). Ever since you were a little kid, did your mom tell you to drink cow’s milk to help you grow strong bones and teeth? Did she tell you it’s a great source of calcium and vitamin D? While many of us grew up sporting milk mustaches, today, there’s a lot of controversy surrounding dairy. While U.S. health authorities still recommend people drink three glasses of milk a day, researchers are saying there’s greater benefit in ditching the creamy liquid altogether. To quote the famous Dr. Mark Hyman: “Dairy is nature’s perfect food — but only if you’re a calf.”

1) You’ll Strengthen Your Bones

Wait … what? While many people were raised thinking their bones would crumble if they didn’t drink enough milk, many researchers believe cutting the popular drink out of your diet could actually help to improve bone health.
According to a 2014 study published in the British Medical Journal, researchers who followed more than 100,000 people in Sweden over a period of 20 to 30 years found milk drinkers suffered more overall bone fractures and hip fractures.
Additionally, researchers in a 12-year Harvard study, who followed 77,761 women nurses, found no evidence that drinking milk decreases a person’s risk of bone fractures. In fact, they wrote:
“Women consuming greater amounts of calcium from dairy foods had significantly increased risks of hip fracture, while no increase in fracture risk was observed for the same level of calcium from nondairy sources.”
strengthen your bones
Some researchers also believe milk consumption has no benefit for people with osteoporosis, a progressive disease in which bones deteriorate over time. In fact, some think milk may actually contribute to the disease. In a review of 34 studies done in 16 different countries, researchers at Yale University found countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis (including the United States and England), also consume the highest amount of dairy products. While this certainly isn’t enough evidence to definitively link dairy consumption to osteoporosis, it isn’t something that should be ignored either.
So what’s the deal? Why isn’t dairy great for our bones like we once thought?
It may have something to do with the way dairy affects your body’s pH. If you think back to science class, you’ll remember that when you pour milk on top of a pH strip that it’s a base versus an acid. While that’s true, in the body, dairy has an acidic effect. When the body becomes too acidic, health suffers. So to balance out pH levels, your body turns to its natural acid blocker — calcium. It will draw calcium from your bones to fight the acid and return your body’s pH levels to a balanced state. So in other words, dairy actually takes calcium from your body.

2) Your Digestion May Improve

Around 75 percent of the world’s population can’t properly digest milk or other dairy products. It’s called lactose intolerance. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, virtually all infants and young children have lactase enzymes that split lactose into glucose and galactose, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream. However, the majority of people lose their lactase enzymes after weaning. For people who lack those enzymes, they may experience gas, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea after drinking milk.
improve digestion

3) Your Skin Will Clear Up

Pimples, red blotches, and scars … oh my! Today, around 60 million Americans suffer from acne. It’s pretty fair to say that most people would try just about anything to get rid of their pimples. Often times, people try different cleansers and creams, hoping they will zap their zits. While they can be helpful, it’s important to remember that a healthy outside starts from the inside.
Today, researchers are linking both dairy and sugar consumption with acne. Various studies found that consuming cow’s milk increased both the number of people who got acne and its severity. But if you think dairy is linked to acne because of its high fat content, think again. In fact, studies have shown people who drink skim milk suffer more breakouts than those who drink whole full-fat milk.
The problem partly lies in milk’s hormones. Remember, cows have to either be pregnant or lactating to produce milk. During this time, they are full of hormones. That’s why there really is no such thing as hormone-free milk. Did you know there are about 60 hormones in your average glass of milk (even organic, raw, and bovine growth hormone-free milk)?
Additionally, drinking a glass of milk can spike insulin levels 300 percent, which raises the glycemic index and can lead to breakouts. I used the word “lactose” earlier. Lactose is milk sugar and can be extremely problematic for many people since it not only raises blood sugar levels, but many have allergic reactions to it.
clear skin
A third reason milk can sabotage your complexion is because it causes inflammation. Inflammation of the skin is called Dermatitis and can lead to rashes, red patches, bumps, and more. For healthy, glowing skin, try to fill your diet with anti-inflammatory foods like green leafy vegetables, broccoli, blueberries, and salmon (the list goes on). There are also a number of herbs and spices that fight inflammation.

4) You May Lower Your Risk For Certain Cancers

Certain foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables, have been known to fight cancer cells. Other foods, like sugar, have been known to feed cancer cells. Today, there have been many studies done on the relationship between dairy consumption and cancer. As of now, the results are mixed. However, there are certain types of cancers that researchers believe dairy can contribute to. For example, most large studies link high dairy consumption with increased risk of prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer among men in the United States.
Studies also show if you drank milk as a child, your risk may be greater. One study looked at 8,894 men, born between 1907 and 1935. Researchers found the men who drank large amounts of milk early in life had an increased risk of advanced prostate cancer as adults.
Researchers have also linked milk to breast, ovarian, and testicular cancers, however, more research is needed.

5) You’ll Reduce Your Exposure to Added Antibiotics and Hormones

There really is no such thing as hormone-free milk, since milk comes from pregnant or lactating cows that are full of hormones. However, there is a huge difference between raw milk and the pasteurized stuff most Americans keep in their refrigerator.
First of all, most of the milk you get at the grocery store comes from cows that have been given bovine growth hormones (rBGH). This type of hormone is used to significantly increase milk production in cows. Doctor Joesph Mercola pointed out that treated cows can produce as much as 15-25 percent more milk. But this isn’t the only thing found in our milk supply.
Both Spanish and Moroccan researchers performed a highly sensitive test on several kinds of milk (from different sources) to determine what types of medications are in them. They found the cow’s milk to be the most contaminated. The cow’s milk included antibiotics, steroid hormones, sex hormones, anti-fungal drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, and more. Some of these drugs/chemicals are given to the cows directly, while others come from the food they eat.

6) You May Improve Your Sinuses

When the weather changes, do you start to sneeze a lot? Do you get watery eyes, an itchy nose, and the feeling of congestion? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from seasonal allergies each year, which irritates your sinuses. Along with talking to your doctor about allergy medicines or natural remedies, you may also want to lay off dairy products, like milk. While it’s scientifically unclear whether this is true, many people swear dairy products promote the formation of mucus and worsen congestion.
Additionally, a lot of people are allergic to milk. An allergic reaction to milk isn’t the same thing as lactose intolerance. Rather, it’s when your body perceives milk as a threat and attempts to protect itself. When this happens, you may experience a runny nose or breathing problems. Again, this irritates the sinuses. Dr. Weil, a holistic health physician, says people who ditch diary can see a dramatic improvement in sinus problems in just two months!

7) You May Feel a Boost of Energy

When someone suffers from digestive problems, inflammation, or sinus issues, their energy level drops. Think about it — who has the energy to workout if they feel bloated or congested? By improving other aspects of your health, you will naturally give yourself a boost of energy. Who knows, with your new zest for life you may spend a little more time at the gym burning calories and aiding weight loss. Overall, ditching dairy is a positive.

Tips For Going Dairy-Free (Without Turning To Soy)

When a lot of people ditch dairy, they turn to fake cheese products, foods full of carbohydrates, and soy. These are no better for your health. Instead, check out these tips to make going dairy-free a breeze.
nut milk

Instead of Milk

There are plenty of other options than cow’s milk. If you still want to enjoy a bowl of overnight oats, cereal, milk in your coffee, or just a tall glass of milk, try nut milk.
  • Almond milk
  • Hazelnut milk
  • Rice milk
  • Hemp milk
  • Coconut milk
Almond, hazelnut, rice, and hemp milk are great in overnight oats and cereal. Coconut milk is a little thicker so it’s great in coffee. If you have a sweet tooth, you can also use coconut milk to make dairy-free ice cream or dark chocolate truffles.
You can use any of these five nut milks to create a delicious breakfast smoothie. They also work in pancakes and other baked goods. With so many options, there really is no need for cow’s milk!

Instead of Cooking With Butter

Instead of butter, try cooking with coconut oil, avocado oil, or olive oil. None of these options contain dairy and they all have powerful nutrients that benefit the body in many ways.

Spreads and Toppings

If you go dairy-free, you will have to give up more than just milk. Butter, cheese, cream cheese, and sour cream are all popular spreads/toppings that you will have to replace. Some other great spreads include:
  • Nut butter (peanut, almond, cashew)
  • Avocado
  • Hummus
You can spread all of these options on toast or bagels. Avocado and hummus also work well on lunch sandwiches (instead of cheese). Plus, these dairy-free spread options are also great toppers. For example, if you participate in Taco Tuesday then you can easily swap out sour cream for guacamole.

Don’t Quit Cold Turkey 

My first three tips to going dairy-free had to do with food replacements. While that is incredibly important, these next two tips are also crucial if you want to successfully give up dairy and maintain a dairy-free diet. Don’t wake up tomorrow and eliminate everything dairy. The trick to success is gradual elimination. As you slowly weed out milk, cheese, butter, and other dairy foods, begin to introduce the food replacements I mentioned a second ago.
milk glass

Plan Ahead

As you incorporate the dairy-free food replacements into your life, you will realize that giving up dairy isn’t that hard. It’s just a matter of planning ahead, especially if you are eating out. Before heading to a restaurant, take a look at their menu online. Don’t hesitate to call and ask if they include dairy in whatever dish you are thinking of ordering. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 12, 2016

Top 5 Bountiful Health Benefits Of Beans (Beans Can Help With Weight Loss)

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Check out these health benefits of beans, from improving heart health to aiding weight loss and more...

Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you… Most of us learnt at an early age that beans were heart-healthy foods. Unlike a lot of other health myths we hear during childhood, this is not an old wives’ tale, and they are, in fact, one of the most beneficial foods you can eat to keep your heart smiling. But they actually have a number of other health benefits as well. Beans are cheap and hassle-free to cook with, and on top of that, they are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on earth, providing minerals, fiber, antioxidants and plant-based protein with very little fat…

A Brief History Of Beans

A lot of people associate beans with cowboys in the Wild West, but rarely consider them as anything special. But, the truth is, beans are extremely special! They can count as both a vegetable source and protein source all-in-one, and they contain at least a little bit of just about every nutrient the body needs to function. They can cause digestive problems with some people, but this can mostly be avoided when cooked and prepared correctly and not eaten in excess. Add to that the fact that beans are extremely cheap compared to most nutritious whole foods, and you have the perfect kitchen staple.
Beans are a type of legume, native to Central and South America – grown there for thousands of years. They are seeds from Phaseolus genus plants, and popular types include black, kidney, navy, fava and pinto. Beans were among the first cultivated crops when hunter-gatherers and nomadic people started tilling the earth and developing agricultural systems. There is evidence suggesting people in Mexico and Peru cultivated bean crops as early as 7000 BC, with the use of lentils having been traced back to 6750 BC in parts of the present-day Middle East. Fava beans, lentils and chickpeas have been found in 4,000-year-old Egyptian tombs, at the same time that soybeans were being grown in parts of present-day Asia.
Beans for health

Nutritional Information

Beans differ nutritionally, depending on type and preparation method. However, most have similar nutrients, like fiber, protein and vitamins. Here is the nutritional profile of five different bean types as an introduction.
Lima Beans (Per 100g)
Calories – 115
Fat – 0g
Carbohydrate – 21g
Fiber – 7g (28%)
Protein – 8g
Iron – 13%
Pinto Beans (Per 100g)
Calories – 143
Fat – 1g
Carbohydrate – 26g
Fiber – 9g (36%)
Protein – 9g
Iron – 12%
Broad Beans (Per 100g)
Calories – 110
Fat – 0g
Carbohydrate – 20g
Fiber – 5g (22%)
Protein – 8g
Iron – 8%

Health benefits of legumes
Black Beans (Per 100g)
Calories – 116
Fat – 1g
Carbohydrate – 21g
Fiber – 6g (26%)
Protein – 8g
Iron – 14%
Kidney Beans (Per 100g)
Calories – 29
Fat – 0g
Carbohydrate – 4g
Fiber – 0%
Protein – 4g
Iron – 5%
Vitamin C – 65%

Health Benefits Of Beans

Beans of all different types come with a significant number of health benefits, from improving heart function and minimizing the risk of heart disease to aiding with weight loss and lowering cholesterol. Here are five fantastic health benefits of beans…

1. Beans Improve Heart Health

People who eat more legumes have a lower risk of developing heart disease, because of their LDL cholesterol, blood pressure and inflammation-lowering qualities. The phytochemicals found in beans are believed to be partially to thank for this, because they can help protect against these harmful health problems.
Beans for heart health
A review of 26 studies found that LDL cholesterol could be significantly lowered through a diet rich in beans and other legumes, which reduces the risk of heart disease. Beans have also been found to potentially lower blood pressure, improve HDL (good) cholesterol levels, and reduce inflammation.

2. Beans May Lower Cholesterol

The soluble fiber found in beans helps control blood cholesterol levels. According to research, around 1 cup of navy beans, which provides about 10 grams of soluble fiber, reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol by around 10 per cent. Soluble fiber forms a gel in water, which helps bind acids and cholesterol in the intestinal tract. This prevents them from re-absorbing into the body, and may be the reason it helps lower cholesterol levels and decreases the risk of heart disease.
Bean nutrition
The saponins in black beans potentially help lower cholesterol levels by reducing its absorption into the body. Similarly, phytosterols, the plant form of cholesterol, found in beans, may help lower LDL cholesterol levels by binding to the sites on the cells in the small intestine, where LDL cholesterol would usually bind in order to be absorbed. This allows the plant sterols to block absorption of LDL cholesterol from other food, or cholesterol produced by the liver.

3. Beans Can Help With Weight Loss

Beans may have a reputation of making you feel bloated, heavy and full, but they can actually be a fantastic addition to a weight loss diet or healthy lifestyle. A relatively small serving of beans makes you feel full quickly, and keeps you fuller for longer than many other popular foods, because of their high fiber content. This fills the stomach and helps slow down the rise in blood sugar, minimizing the risk of a sugar crash or cravings later in the day. On top of that, the nutritious food staple gives you a steady supply of energy for several hours.
Bean salad
As well as being high in soluble fiber, beans are also high in protein, while being low in calories. Research also found bean consumption to be linked to improved nutrition, reduced systolic blood pressure, lower body weight and less belly fat in adults. According to the study, bean consumers had higher intakes of dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron and copper than non-consumers of beans, as well as lower body weight, a smaller waist size, and a reduced risk of increasing waist size and obesity.

4. Beans Are High In Protein

All beans are considered high-protein foods, but some types have more protein per calorie or gram than others. Soybeans, for example, are extremely high in protein, and contain all the amino acids your body needs. Similarly, black beans are one of the best bean sources of protein, with 15.2 grams of protein in every cup – almost 1/3 of your recommended daily intake.
Protein is an extremely important part of your daily nutrition. The body uses protein to repair tissues, and hair and nails are made up of mainly protein. Dietary protein is an important component of every cell in the body – used to make enzymes, hormones and chemicals in the body as well as being a building block in the development and sustained health of bones, muscles, skin, cartilage and blood. Protein is a macronutrient, which means the body needs a lot of it to stay healthy, compared to vitamins and minerals, for example, which are micronutrients, meaning the body only needs small quantities of them. The body doesn’t store protein like it does other macronutrients, including fat and carbohydrate, so it needs a new supply every day.

5. Beans Help Manage Diabetes

The balance of complex carbohydrates and protein in beans provides diabetics with a much needed slow, steady source of glucose throughout the day. Beans are low GI and high in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Low GI foods raise blood sugar slowly, with one study finding insulin, blood sugar and triglyceride levels were significantly decreased when diabetics ate beans instead of red meat.
Beans for diabetes

Risks Of Over-consumption

Although beans are an incredibly healthy, nutritious, whole food option, the fiber can be very difficult for the body to digest, which can lead to cramping. Fiber moving straight through your system is very healthy, but if you consume too much in one go, it can temporarily slow down your bowels, causing painful cramps. If you are constipated, beans can help you get things moving again, because the fiber moves food through your intestines. However, too many beans can take that to the next level, potentially causing diarrhea. The fiber can also cause flatulence when the bacteria in your intestines reacts to it. This isn’t anything to worry about, and is a healthy bodily function, but it’s something to be aware of if you have a first date coming up!
Beans for digestion
If you have digestive or bloating problems from too many beans, you can try boiling them to soften their fiber content, and drinking plenty of water to help the fiber and food move through your digestive tract more proficiently. It is also important to eat beans in moderation. Around ½ a cup per day is generally the recommended amount, increasing to that amount gradually if they are not already a part of your diet.


Beans don’t tend to feature all that much in Western dishes, and you might be wondering how you can add them to you diet, without just opening a can of baked beans and spreading them on toast! Here are eight nutritious, filling, flavorful and exciting salads and dishes featuring fiber and protein-rich beans for a hearty meal!
Smoky Millet Pinto Bean Patties – These protein and fiber-rich burgers are the perfect healthy barbecue option – tender and moist on the inside and crunchy on the outside. They are packed full of flavor and vitamin-rich vegetables for a filling summer meal!
Smoky Millet Pinto Bean Patties
Black Bean Corn & Avocado Salad – This wholesome, healthy salad is the perfect throw-together option for any party or gathering, and if you really want to impress, this recipe includes ‘homemade’ tortilla chips! Filled with nutrient-rich ingredients, including black beans, avocado, tomato and corn, and finished with a flavorful, refreshing lime and cumin dressing, it is the perfect option for spring and summer!
Five-Minute Mexican Salad – This super easy, super quick salad takes just five minutes to prepare. It is vegan and gluten-free, but is packed full of flavorful, filling, satisfying and colorful ingredients. Despite the word ‘salad’, this is a hearty meal, worthy of being dished up as a main course.
Baked South Indian Fava Bean Fritters – This delicious recipe includes South Indian Masala Vada spiced fritters with chana dal. They kind of look like falafels, but the blogger suggests baking them for best results instead of deep-frying. They are served with refreshing green chutney that works perfectly with the early cool-season legume, fava, which has a distinct earthy taste.
Fava bean fritters
Beet Veggie Burgers – These ‘superfood’ patties are packed full of incredibly nutritious, fiber-rich ingredients, including black beans, quinoa and chia seeds, as well as vitamin-rich beetroot, which creates a beautiful maroon-colored burger! Add to that kale, avocado and onion, and this burger will keep you fueled and healthy for the day.
Burrito Stuffed Peppers – These beautifully colorful burrito-inspired stuffed peppers are vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free, quick and easy to make, ultra-healthy and low in calories, but nice and filling! Phew, that’s a lot of selling points. Convinced to try them yet? Full of healthy, fiber and vitamin-rich ingredients, including bell peppers, olive oil, garlic, onions, beans, tomato and corn, they are an impressive and nutritious choice for any dinner party, barbecue,  or even just dinner at home.
Burrito Stuffed Peppers
Mexican Green Mole With Beans & Pico De Gallo – This colorful, vibrant dish is zesty, fresh and lighter than traditional mole recipes. The base is made from toasted sesame and pumpkin seeds, which add a rich nutty flavor, with lots of herbs, green bell peppers and lettuce added to it, creating a beautiful color and delicious taste!
Chicken Enchilada Soup – This easy-to-prepare creamy chicken soup is made with black beans, corn, tomatoes and cheese, for a hearty, filling and warming meal. As well as its many textures, this soup is creamy and spicy at the same time, with meat and vegetables in one spoonful, and fiber-rich beans that fill and satisfy the belly.
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 12, 2016

Top 6 Remarkable Health Benefits Of Almonds (+ Recipes)

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Check out these 6 amazing benefits of almonds for a happy, healthy body!

 Although almonds have always made an appearance in trail mixes and snack jars, their popularity has never been as impressive as it is now. The tasty tree nut is significantly less fatty than most of its nut siblings and it can be ground up to make a gluten-free flour substitute for baking, or blitzed into a delicious versatile nut butter that is also great for baking, as well as snacking. Almond milk is often used as a substitute for cow’s milk, and as an ingredient in vegan foods. This has led to a huge increase in almond sales around the world, and on top of that, researchers have found a number of remarkable health benefits of almonds, from aiding weight loss to improving heart health… 

Nutritional Value Of Almonds

Almonds are actually edible seeds that grow on trees called Prunus dulcis, or, almond trees. They are native to the Middle East, but today the US is the world’s largest producer of almonds.

Nutritional Breakdown (per 28 grams/1 ounce)

Calories – 161
Dietary fiber – 3g
Protein – 6g
Fat – 14 g
Calcium – 7% of RDI
Iron – 6% of RDI
Vitamin E – 37% of RDI
Manganese – 32% of RDI
Magnesium – 20% of RDI
Copper – 14% of RDI
Phosphorus – 14% of RDI

Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 12, 2016

Top 32 Quick & Easy Meals

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Don't be scared of cooking for one! Check out these quick, simple recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner...

Eating solo doesn’t have to mean a bowl of cereal, microwave ready meals or a date with the takeout menu! And it doesn’t have to mean slaving away in the kitchen for hours or inviting people over to eat the leftovers either. Don’t be afraid of cooking for one – you can treat yourself to exciting, delicious and nutritious meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert using quick, easy recipes. And here are 32 to get you started and keep you going for a while…

Some Starter Tips

Even with super quick and easy recipes, it can be hard to find the motivation to prepare three meals a day, every day – especially if you are busy working. One way to cut back on the time spent on meal preparation each day is to cook in bulk on a Saturday or Sunday and freeze portions for the week. You could make two or three large pots or pans of food and place them in meal-sized containers into the freezer so that you don’t have to cook every night after work, but you’re not stuck eating the same thing every night!
Another trick, if you like eating salads throughout the week, is to get all your chopping done for a few days’ worth of lunches. If you do this, however, you need to use airtight containers so that the vegetables don’t go dry. Simply chop the foods you are going to use in your salads and either make one big salad to keep in the fridge and use each day, or keep the vegetables separate and prepare your salad each day with them. If you like protein in your salads, like salmon or chicken breast, you can poach a few days’ worth and keep them in the fridge as well to add to the meal.
Similarly, if you like to make quick, easy smoothies for breakfast, you can save yourself a bit of time by chopping some bananas and putting them in a container in the freezer so that when you make your smoothie, you just need to grab a few pieces and place them straight into the blender. This also saves you having to use ice – instead you can just add water to the other ingredients.
Dinner for one
The last thing you need to be aware of when feeding just yourself is to keep your nutrition in mind. Don’t think of meals individually, but instead, think of your daily food intake, making sure you get plenty of protein and fiber. There are certain essential nutrients that the body and organs need to function properly, including certain vitamins, minerals and amino acids, that the body can’t produce itself. Because of that, it is important to feed your body those nutrients every day to keep everything working.
If, for example, you have oats for breakfast and pasta for lunch, you might want to minimize your carb intake for dinner. If, on the other hand, you have a smoothie for breakfast and soup for lunch, you should probably ensure you include some carbohydrates into your dinner, like rice or potatoes, as well as solid, textural food. Likewise, if you have eggs for breakfast and a meat-based lunch, plan for a vegetarian or vegan dinner.


1. Cauliflower Crust Pizza With Avocado Egg – This is a great option for breakfast if you’re looking for a protein and nutrient-rich start to the day with plenty of healthy fats, but very few carbs. Eggs and avocado are a match made in heaven – add to that a cauliflower and cheese crust, and you’ll be leaping out of bed to get stuck into it!
Cauliflower, avocado and egg pizza
2. Petite Vegetable Frittatas – This is a perfect example of food you can prepare in advance and freeze. Because these frittatas are already in handy little one-person portions, you can simply grab one out of the freezer the night before to defrost and slightly heat in the morning for a delicious, home-made but hassle free breakfast! And, on top of that, you are already getting a huge chunk of your daily vegetables before your first coffee break even rolls around!
3. Peach Smoothie With Chia Seeds – Smoothies are one of the handiest breakfast options, because you just chuck all the nutritious ingredients into a blender for a couple of minutes and pour them into a jar to enjoy on the way to work, or into a glass if you like to have a sit down in the mornings before heading out the door. This recipe has fiber, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats to kick start your day in a super healthy way!
4. Kale & Kiwi Smoothie Bowl – This beautiful bowl includes the blended smoothie element, as well as some textural fruits for a bit of variety. The result? A stunning, colorful breakfast meal to make you smile. With banana, kale, kiwifruit, pineapple, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, berries, coconut and cacao nibs, you’d be hard-pressed to find a nutrient you need that does not feature in this meal!
Kale and kiwi smoothie bowl
5. Peanut Butter Banana Protein Smoothie – Dessert for breakfast? Yes please! This might taste incredibly indulgent, but it is actually filled with nutritious, energizing ingredients to fuel your day. With protein powder, coconut milk, banana, cacao nibs, coconut flakes and ice, it is delicious, and full of protein, antioxidants and healthy fats.
6. Mixed Berry Protein Overnight Oats – Thick, creamy and delicious – this easy recipe comes with 16 grams of protein and plenty of vitamins and minerals. It is the perfect throw-together-the-night-before option to grab-and-go on busy mornings!
7. Blueberry Overnight Oats – Sticking with the prepare-the-night-before theme, these overnight oats, with antioxidant-rich blueberries, are a delicious and nutritious option for early mornings, that will keep you fueled until lunchtime!
8. Lemon Cream Pie Overnight Oats – Fancy a lemon dessert-inspired meal for breakfast that doesn’t just taste delicious and pudding-like, but is nutritious and easy to prepare? Oats, chia seeds, lemon, vanilla, almond milk, maple syrup, nuts and coconut cream make this a fiber and vitamin-rich, energizing morning bite!
Lemon cream pie overnight oats
9. Low Fat Banana Breakfast Mug Cake – A cake so healthy it could pass for breakfast, and a breakfast so delicious, it could pass for dessert. Think we’ve found a winner! This moist, sweet cake is ready in just five minutes and has plenty of healthy ingredients to get you through a busy morning.


10. Dijon Brussels Sprout Grilled Cheese – Grilled cheese sandwiches don’t have to be all fat and refined carbs – this clever version is full of antioxidant and vitamin-rich greens, with Brie cheese for something a little different. Use multi-grain whole wheat bread, and you actually have a healthy, but comforting, warm, cheesy lunch!
11. Avocado, Strawberry & Spinach Salad (With Poppy Seed Dressing) – This light, nutritious lunch is perfect for those summer months, when strawberries are in season, giving them that extra tangy, sweet flavor. With spinach, avocado, cheese, almonds, onion, strawberries, apple cider vinegar, avocado oil and poppy seeds, it will give you a huge boost of vitamins and minerals to last the day!
Strawberry Avocado Spinach Salad
12. Spanish Quinoa Stuffed Peppers – Beautiful, filling and delicious – what more could you want? How about super quick and easy to prepare? We think that sounds pretty good! This hearty recipe is packed full of flavorful and nutritious ingredients, and is stunningly presented in colorful bell peppers.
13. Stuffed Avocado With Garlic Shrimp – This extremely impressive-looking meal (that could easily be served at a restaurant!) takes less than 10 minutes to prepare, and gives you a great boost of healthy fatty acids, protein and vitamins.
14. Pomegranate & Pear Salad – This mason jar salad tastes as delicious as it looks, and is the perfect idea for a packed work lunch! With pear, spinach, pomegranate seeds, pecans, cheese and vinaigrette, it has the perfect amount of sweet, bitter, sour and sharp flavors for the ultimate taste bud party!
Pomegranate Pear Salad
15. Tadka Topped Roasted Root Soup – This is the perfect lunch option on a cold winter’s day. People often forget that soup can be prepared in one portion, instead of a hug pot, and it makes it a lot quicker and hassle-free to prepare. This Indian-flavored recipe gives you a fantastic boost of nutritious, immune-strengthening and warming vegetables and spices.
16. Mediterranean Grain Salad – This salad is brimming with heart and gut-healthy ingredients, including bulgur wheat, tomatoes, shallots, red wine vinegar, olive oil and parsley. It is so versatile, it can be enjoyed in the winter or summer months – light enough for warm weather, and hearty enough for cold weather!
17. Red Pepper & Tomato Soup – This vibrant red soup is sweet and savory all at the same time – a hearty warm winter lunch option, or tasty summer soup. You can either make a bulk soup and freeze in portions or quarter the ingredients it calls for to make it for one. Serve with yogurt for a delicious creamy finish!
Red Pepper Tomato Soup


18. Healthy Burrito Bowl – Filled with nutritious beans, spices, vegetables, lean meat and yogurt, this recipe packs vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates and antioxidants into one tasty, filling, nourishing meal for one!
19. Garlic Tostones: Puerto Rican Fried Plantains – Why not get a bit creative and try something different some evening with these mouthwatering fried plantains. All you need is water, plantains, garlic, salt and oil for frying! Best served with a side salad or some beans.
20. Summer In A Bowl: Warm Veggie Quinoa Salad – The name speaks for itself – this is the perfect summer salad that is absolutely bursting with nutrient-rich seasonal ingredients. Bell pepper, cucumber, corn, cherry tomatoes, parsley, mint, verbena and chard served with quinoa, coconut oil, balsamic vinegar, maple syrup, cashews, orange, tahini, apple cider vinegar and olive oil.
Summer In A Bowl
21. ‘Lighter’ Spaghetti Pea Carbonara – Carbonara is a bit of a no-go-zone to people who are afraid of fat and carbs, but this lighter version, which uses turkey bacon instead of prosciutto, and adds garlic, onion, peas and milk to the original creamy, cheesy recipe, makes it a bit healthier and more nutritious. Like traditional carbonara, egg is a significantly large feature of the dish, providing a good dose of protein.
22. Chicken Soup – Why not enjoy comforting, homely chicken soup even if you’re dining alone? There’s no need to make a huge pot of it and slave away in the kitchen all afternoon – this recipe can be made in a little pot or deep pan, for a warming, cleansing evening meal.
23. Spicy Shrimp Tacos With Garlic, Cilantro & Lime Slaw – This quick, easy and healthy taco and homemade slaw recipe is the perfect throw-together mid-week meal. Although the recipe includes enough for four servings, it’s easy to halve or quarter it if you’re dining alone. Or, simply use the leftovers as a hearty salad for lunch the next day!
Spicy Shrimp Tacos
24. Veggie Sushi Rolls – This rice-free version of sushi is ideal if you feel like you’ve eaten plenty of carbohydrates already that day. With nutritious veggie fillings, including avocado, alfalfa sprouts, peppers, carrots and zucchini, and wrapped in antioxidant-rich seaweed, you’ll get a good dose of plant-based vitamins and minerals.
25. Cauliflower Rice Stir Fry – With lots of Vitamin A and C, and very few carbs, this paleo-friendly stir fry is so quick and easy to make, and, when you realize how simple it is, you can use the rice substitute for any of your favorite dishes in the future when you don’t want so many carbs!
26. Bbq Chicken Cobb Salad – This salad is healthy, hearty and quick and easy to prepare, with creamy buttermilk and Greek yogurt ranch dressing to spruce it up! Made with chicken, eggs, lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, corn and black beans, the salad is satisfying, nutritious and full of flavor.
bbq chicken cobb salad


27. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies – These scrumptious single-serve cookies take just 10 minutes to whip up and bake, and use just two measuring spoons and a small bowl, meaning you won’t have a pile of dishes to wash up afterwards! Plus, they feature some nice, healthy ingredients in the batter, including pumpkin, cinnamon and egg.
28. Strawberry Protein Pancake Roll Ups – Made with protein, whole wheats, yogurt and fruit, and no flour, these pancakes might look and taste indulgent, but they are healthy enough for breakfast! The recipe also gives you a handy breakdown of their nutritional value so you know exactly what you’re getting.
Strawberry protein pancake roll ups
29. Single Serve Brownie – All you need for this one-person gluten-free, vegan, low fat, grain-free and sugar-free microwave brownie is a mug! Made with apples, maple syrup, cocoa powder, baking powder and vanilla, it only takes a couple of minutes to mix and microwave.
30. No-Bake Chocolate Cream Pie – This handy little sweet craving buster can be whipped up in a few minutes. It is free from gluten, soy and refined sugar and packed full of delicious but real foods, including coconut, almonds, chocolate, strawberries and maple syrup.
31. Chocolate Hazelnut Mug Cake – Because you can never have too many mug cake recipes to keep you going on quiet nights in! This chocolate hazelnut recipe takes just five minutes to prepare and cook in the microwave – for the perfect quick chocolate fix.
Chocolate Hazelnut Mug Cake
32. High Protein Tart Cherry Nutty Mug Cake – Another super quick sweet fix if you’re not in the mood for chocolate. This mug cake is packed full of nutritious ingredients, including protein powder, almond butter, peanut butter (why not look for 100% peanut butter to make it even healthier!), honey, orange zest and cherries. Serve with Greek or natural yogurt to enjoy even more health benefits!
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 12, 2016

7 Causes Of Candida Overgrowth & How to Naturally Fight Candida Overgrowth

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Are you prone to yeast infections or oral thrush? Find out the causes of Candida overgrowth and how to naturally fight it!

I know we just met, but I’m going to ask you a very personal question: Have you ever had a yeast infection? Don’t be embarrassed. A lot of people get them. If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve suffered from the intense itching and white discharge associated with a vaginal yeast infection. Both women and men can also experience yeast overgrowth in the mouth (known as Oral Thrush), which can cause white lesions to form on the tongue and cheeks. Or maybe you’ve dealt with yeast overgrowth on the outside of your body, which can result in red, itchy rashes in the folds of your skin. No matter what type of yeast infection you’ve endured, it’s pretty fair to say that it was annoying and maybe even a little bit painful. Read on to find out why you get yeast infections, why they can be dangerous if left untreated, and how to naturally heal them.

The most common type of yeast infection found in the vagina, mouth, intestinal tract, and skin is caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans. Let me start by saying small amounts of Candida in the body is perfectly normal. In fact, very small amounts of yeast live inside your mouth and intestines on a regular basis. So there is candida yeast inside your body right now. Don’t worry, though, this is a good thing. When in proper levels, Candida actually benefits the body by aiding digestion and helping with nutrient absorption. The only time Candida is truly a problem is when it’s overproduced.
When the body produces too much Candida, you will begin to notice symptoms of a yeast infection (full list of symptoms below). While this may sound relatively harmless, think again.
If left untreated, Candida can spread to other parts of your body. It can break down your intestinal walls and penetrate the bloodstream. If that happens, toxic by-products will be able to enter into your body causing Leaky Gut Syndrome and a slew of other health problems. As you can see, it’s crucial to keep Candida yeast levels at bay.

7 Causes Of Candida Overgrowth

1) Poor Diet

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Standard American Diet (SAD)?” This refers to a diet that’s low in fiber and plant-based foods. It’s also high in unhealthy fats, complex carbohydrates (like sugar), and processed foods. SAD is linked to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, digestive disorders, poor gut health, and yeast overgrowth.
Doctors say one of the main culprits is sugar. The sweet stuff many people love (and can actually become addicted to) feeds bad bacteria and Candida yeast, allowing it to grow and spread. It’s important to realize that Candida isn’t only fueled by milk chocolate bars and cupcakes. There are hidden sugars in just about all processed foods — from sauces to condiments, and even crackers! Plus, grains can contribute to Candida since the body breaks grains down into sugar.
poor diet

2) Diabetes

Now that you know sugar can feed Candida yeast, it may not come as a big surprise to you that people with diabetes (both Type 1 and Type 2) are more susceptible to an overgrowth/ yeast infections. Uncontrolled diabetes causes the level of glucose (AKA sugar) in saliva to increase, which creates a breeding ground for Candida.

3) Antibiotics

If you are someone who rushes to the doctor every time you get sick then chances are you take a lot of antibiotics. Doctors sure do love prescribing antibiotics, don’t they? Don’t get me wrong, sometimes they are needed to fight off stubborn infections. However, a lot of people use them as their first line of defense and such frequent antibiotic use can kill off too many friendly bacteria in your body. It’s that good bacteria that’s responsible for keeping Candida under control. So if you kill off too many of your beneficial bacteria, Candida may overproduce to an unhealthy level.
Before you turn to antibiotics, it’s always worth trying to heal your body the natural way. Eat plenty of nutrient-dense vegetables and lean proteins. Plus, make sure to stay hydrated and get enough rest.

4) Alcohol

While a glass of red wine a night can provide some health benefit, consuming too much alcohol could lead to Candida overgrowth. Knocking back a few too many adult beverages can alter the environment of your gut microbiome by killing off your beneficial bacteria. This is similar to how antibiotics affect your gut microbiome. As I just mentioned, good bacteria helps keep Candida under control.

5) Oral Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids help reduce swelling, redness, itching, and allergic reactions. They are used to treat a number of different diseases, including asthma. Researchers now know that asthma patients who use oral corticosteroids are at a higher risk for Candida overgrowth and yeast infections in the mouth. In one study, researchers compared 143 asthmatic patients treated with inhaled steroids, 11 asthmatic patients not treated with inhaled steroids, and 86 healthy volunteers. They found a significantly greater amount of yeast in patients who used inhaled steroids.
If you use oral corticosteroids, it’s important to rinse/clean your mouth out after each use to help prevent Candida yeast overgrowth. Find out other ways you can naturally fight Candida below!

6) Cancer Treatments

While chemotherapy and radiation can kill cancer cells, these harsh treatments can also kill off the friendly bacteria that naturally fights Candida. According to a double-blind randomized study, one-third of cancer patients who were going through treatment had “invasive” candidiasis. Doctors say this can cause serious complications. If you are undergoing cancer treatment and begin noticing signs of Candida yeast, talk to your doctor about it immediately.

7) Weakened Immune System

If you have a strong immune system then Candida yeast infections are rarely serious because the body will kick in and defend itself. However, if you have poor immunity then an infection can easily spread. In severe cases, the yeast can actually affect your blood, membrane lining the heart muscle, or membranes around the brain. Some people who suffer from a weakened immune system include:
  • Babies
  • Small children
  • The elderly
  • People diagnosed with an autoimmune disease
  • People diagnosed with HIV/AIDS
immune system

Signs of Candida Overgrowth 

While a yeast infection is a clear indicator of Candida yeast, it’s not the only one. Below is a list of various different signs of Candida overgrowth. They include:
  • Recurring vaginal yeast infections (itching and white discharge)
  • Rectal itching
  • Oral thrush (white tongue)
  • Skin and nail fungal infections (i.e. athlete’s foot or toenail fungus)
  • Skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes
  • Bloating
  • Digestive issues such as constipation or diarrhea
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Mood swings
  • Sugar cravings
  • Sinus infections
  • Hormone imbalance
oral thrush
How Can You Tell For Sure?
If you are experiencing the warning signs of Candida overgrowth, talk to your doctor. Your primary care physician may want to get you tested. A blood test, urine test, or stool test can reveal if you do in fact have Candida overgrowth.

How to Naturally Fight Candida Overgrowth 

1) Eliminate The Bad Stuff In Your Diet

First things first, eliminate processed foods filled with refined carbohydrates and sugar. When you go food shopping, make sure to read ingredient labels very carefully. You may be surprised to find out the amount of sugar that’s hiding in some of your favorite foods. If you’re trying to fight off Candida, the best thing you can do is to avoid all processed/ boxed foods. That means, try to stick with whole foods that don’t require an ingredient label. Think about it — broccoli doesn’t need an ingredient label because it doesn’t have any ingredients!
While shopping your grocery store’s perimeters (that’s where the healthy food is), keep in mind that most fruits are filled with sugar. While it’s natural sugar, it’s still sugar and could feed yeast. If you are struggling with Candida overgrowth, it’s best to eliminate fruits for a while.
Additionally, stop eating fried foods and drinking alcohol.

2) Eat Organic Vegetables

Many vegetables have a detoxing effect on the body and can help control Candida. Check out this video for some ideas on what to eat during the first week of your Candida Diet:

3) Introduce Coconut Oil Into Your Diet

Coconut oil has powerful anti-bacteria, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties that help protect the body. One great way you can use coconut oil every day is through oil pulling. Simply put a spoonful of coconut oil into your mouth first thing in the morning, swish it around for 10-2o minutes, spit the oil into a garbage bag, and brush your teeth like normal. This will help “pull” bad bacteria or yeast out of your mouth (perfect for fighting against oral thrush)!
You can also cook with coconut oil, use it to replace butter, or eat it straight from the spoon!

4) Load Up On Garlic

Garlic has potent anti-fungal benefits that have been proven to fight Candida. Researchers say it’s all thanks to a phytonutrient called allicin. To reap the greatest benefit, enjoy your garlic raw. A few ways you can enjoy raw garlic include:
  • Add it straight to homemade salads
  • Put it in homemade dressings/sauces
  • Add it to guacamole 

5) Probiotics

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria in our gut that help control Candida. They are found naturally in certain foods such as:
  • Live-cultured yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Kimchi
  • Sauerkraut
  • Pickles
  • Natto
  • Tempeh
  • Miso (miso soup)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
If you aren’t a big fan of these foods, you can also get your daily dose of beneficial bacteria through a supplement. Probiotic supplements are becoming increasingly popular and are safe for everyone. They are even considered safe to take during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Additionally, there are probiotic supplements on the market designed specifically for kids.
As with anything, it’s always best to talk to your doctor before starting a probiotic supplement. Since all probiotic supplements contain different bacteria strains that benefit various functions of the body, your doctor may even be able to recommend the perfect brand to fight Candida.

6) Reduce Your Stress Level

Stress takes a major toll on the entire body, including your gut. When stress hormones are released into the body, good bacteria (the ones that control Candida) are attacked and killed. In one study by Ohio State University, researchers placed an aggressive mouse into a cage of docile mice. They then compared the gut bacteria of the stressed-out mice to a group of calm mice. They found the stressed mice had lower amounts of a particular (important) bacteria strain.
I know that lowering your stress level is easier said than done. After all, you have bosses to please, kids to tend to, housework that needs to get done, and relationships to maintain. Plus, you probably commit to way more things than you have time for. While finding time to relax and de-stress can be difficult, it’s extremely important to start prioritizing your mental health. Take some time to meditate, go to the gym, walk outdoors, read a book, hang out with some friends, or relax in a detox bath. Whatever makes you happy, make sure to schedule it into your busy day. Remember – your health depends on it!
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 12, 2016

Top 8 ways Coconut Oil benefits Weight Loss

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If you're looking to lose weight then I have some advice for you -- add coconut oil to your regular diet. See the top 8 ways coconut oil benefits weight loss.

If you’re looking to lose weight then I have some advice for you — add coconut oil to your regular diet. I know what you’re probably thinking: “How can coconut oil help me drop a pant size when it’s full of saturated fat?” While eating fat to lose weight may sound a bit strange at first, researchers say coconut oil is actually a weight loss friendly fat. That’s because it contains a unique combination of fatty acids that effectively boost the metabolism, burn up calories, blast belly fat, and keep you feeling full for longer. Find out why below!

About The Fat In Coconut Oil

First, let’s address the fat in the coconut oil jar. In just one tablespoon of coconut oil, you’ll get 14 grams of fat, 12 grams of which are saturated fat. Years ago doctors and other health care professionals warned people to stay away from this type of fat, believing it could lead to obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, and other health issues. Today, we know not all sat fats are created equal. According to researchers, the saturated fats found in coconut oil are mostly beneficial lauric acid, which is considered an extremely healthy medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA).
Before I go over the health benefits of medium-chain fatty acids, you should know that most common seed and vegetable oils (including olive oil) are comprised of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). LCFAs are difficult for the body to digest, are predominantly stored as fat in the body, and can increase LDL “bad” cholesterol levels. These are all horrible factors if you’re looking to lose weight and improve your health.
On the flip side, MCFAs are easily digested. They are also immediately converted into energy, which means they aren’t stored as fat. Plus, MCFAs help to stimulate the metabolism, which leads to weight loss. Don’t just take my word for it, though. Over the years, there have been several studies conducted on the effect MCFAs have on weight loss and researchers say the results are promising. In one study, rats were overfed with either LCFAs or MCFAs. After six weeks, researchers found the rats that were fed the MCFAs gained 20% less weight and 23% less body fat than the rats that ate LCFAs. This is great news for dieters. Based on the results of this study, along with a number of others, researchers believe MCFAs have the potential to fight human obesity.
coconut oil for weight loss 1

Coconut Oil Boosts Metabolism and Burns Calories 

Since coconut oil is digested differently than most other fats, it’s no wonder the body responds to it in a unique way. When you consume the thermogenic oil, medium-chain fatty acids are sent straight to the liver, where they are converted to energy. This means that coconut oil’s high-fat content isn’t left to circulate freely in the blood or get stored as extra body weight.
Numerous studies have found the MCFAs in coconut oil enhance energy expenditure, fat usage, and calorie burning. In one study conducted by the University of Geneva, researchers fed eight healthy young men between one to two tablespoons of MCFAs or LCFAs before meals. At the end of the study, researchers found the men who ate the MCFAs experienced an increase in energy expenditure by 5%, totaling a loss of about 120 calories per day.
In another study, 17 obese women were fed daily meals rich in either MCFAs or LCFAs. After 27-days, researchers found when the women replaced the fats they usually eat with MCFAs, they actually burned more calories.

You May Experience a Natural Energy Boost

Let’s keep talking about calories. You probably know that in order to lose weight you need to burn more calories than you’re consuming. One of the best ways to do that is to get physical. Through activities like yoga, kettlebell swings, Zumba, P90X, Crossfit, or a number of other popular workouts, you can burn a ton of calories and watch the pounds melt right off. It all sounds great, but when it actually comes down to getting your booty off the couch and working out a lot of people just don’t have the energy. Many people either skip working out altogether or they don’t push themselves hard enough during a workout session to reap the weight loss benefits. This is where coconut oil may help!
In one study, researchers found consuming MCFAs can actually help increase energy and stamina. Over a six-week period, the researchers fed mice a diet rich in either MCFAs or LCFAs. Then, they had the mice swim in a current pool until they became too exhausted to continue. In the end, the group of mice that were fed MCFAs showed significantly greater endurance and were able to swim for a longer period of time. Imagine how many more calories you can burn if you pushed yourself just a little harder during every workout!

 Controls Blood Sugar Levels

One reason coconut oil can naturally boost energy is because it can control blood sugar levels. While this is extremely important for anyone who battles with diabetes, blood sugar levels also have a direct impact on your ability to lose weight and keep it off. For many people, simply getting ahold of their blood glucose peaks and valleys is enough to do the trick and help stabilize their weight.

Coconut Oil Makes You Feel Full

Are you someone who is always hungry? An hour or two after you eat breakfast do you find yourself reaching for a snack? I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but an extra snack here and there isn’t helping your weight loss efforts. Of course, I’m not suggesting you starve yourself until lunch. Rather, it’s time to re-evaluate your meals. Eating foods that are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats have been known to help keep your tummy feeling full for longer.
If you enjoy eating oatmeal for breakfast then you are already getting a nice dose of fiber and protein. Next time, though, try stirring in a spoonful of coconut oil too. Not only will it boost the flavor, but it will also provide your body with MCFAs, which researchers say help curb mid-morning snacking. For example, in a two-week study, researchers looked at how eating MCFAs affected appetite. They fed six healthy men a diet high in MCFAs and found they immediately ate 256 fewer calories per day. So, as you can see, in the long run adding coconut oil to your meals can help you eat fewer calories throughout the course of a day.
If you don’t care for oatmeal, some other options are to add coconut oil to your morning cup of coffee or slather some on top of your eggs. You can even replace the butter on toast with coconut oil or add some to a smoothie. The possibilities are endless so get creative!

Coconut Oil Blasts Belly Fat

When you button your jeans does your stomach pour over, resembling a muffin top? Along with the uncomfortable feeling of a tire around your waist, belly fat is dangerous to your health. When your body holds onto fat in your mid-section it builds up in between your organs, like your stomach and intestines. This type of fat is called visceral fat, which has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. While getting rid of belly fat can be challenging, researchers say coconut oil can help.
In one study, 40 women between the ages of 20-40 years old were given a daily soybean oil or coconut oil supplements. They also followed a low-calorie diet and walked 50 minutes a day. After 12 weeks both groups had lost weight. However, only the coconut oil group had experienced a decrease is belly fat. Women who ate the soybean oil actually had a mild increase in belly fat. This isn’t the only study that reached such findings.
belly fat

Coconut Oil May Increase Thyroid Activity

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that’s located in your neck and releases hormones that control your metabolism. If you have a sluggish/underactive thyroid you may experience weight gain. Unfortunately, many of the oils that we cook with on a daily basis can negatively affect our thyroid health. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, after someone consumes an oil that contains LCFA, it oxidizes quickly and becomes rancid in the body. This process can damage cells and put stress on the thyroid. That isn’t the case with coconut oil, though. Since coconut oil is more stable and doesn’t put stress on the thyroid, this super oil has even been compared to powerful antioxidants.

Coconut Oil Improves Digestion

For decades, researchers have recognized the ease of digesting coconut oil. Like I mentioned above, this is because MCFA molecules are smaller than LCFAs and require less work to be broken down and digested. This means coconut oil puts less strain on the pancreas and entire digestive system. Additionally, coconut oil fights inflammation. For these two reasons, patients with Crohn’s disease, colitis, and other gastrointestinal issues have reported significant improvements in their digestive health after adding coconut to their diet.
While digestive issues are extremely uncomfortable, did you know that a sluggish digestive system has actually been linked to a tougher time losing weight? That’s mainly because your body won’t properly break down food and toxic waste will get stored in your intestines. Right now, the average American has pounds of stool trapped in their intestines and doesn’t even know. Additionally, when your digestive system isn’t working properly your intestines won’t be able to absorb all of the nutrients and minerals from the food you eat. This means nutrients that can stimulate weight loss may not be absorbed into the bloodstream. As you can see, improving your digestion is another way coconut oil can help you lose weight, feel lighter, and be healthier!

How Much Coconut Oil Should I Eat For Weight Loss?

While coconut oil offers the body many benefits, including weight and fat loss, it’s important to note you should consume it in moderation. Eating spoon after spoon of coconut oil in addition to other fats will likely leave you with undesirable results. Meaning, you may actually gain a few pounds. So, instead of just adding coconut oil to your existing diet, work to replace some of the fats you currently eat (like butter, olive oil, soybean oil, canola oil, etc) with coconut oil.
So how much of it should you consume in a day to lose weight? According to Dr. Bruce Fife, who is a nutritionist, naturopathic physician, and author of the book “The Coconut Oil Miracle,” you should eat anywhere between one-three tablespoons of coconut oil a day to reap the health benefits.

Should I Eat Coconut Oil When It’s Solid Or Liquid?

If you’ve never used coconut oil before then this question might confuse you. Here’s the deal – when coconut oil reaches 76 degrees Fahrenheit it melts to a liquid. So if you leave coconut oil on your countertop for a period of time, you may watch its form change. In the hot summer months, your tub of coconut oil will likely be soft and liquidy. In the cold winter months, however, it will be hard. The powerful nutrients in coconut oil remain in both forms. So whether it is liquid or solid, they are equally healthy.

How To Choose a Coconut Oil

While it doesn’t matter whether you consume coconut oil in its liquid or solid state, if you want to reap the many health benefits then it is important to choose a high-quality oil. When shopping for coconut oil look for the following words: unrefined, extra virgin, and/or pure. This means no chemicals have been added to the oil and it hasn’t been bleached. Additionally, the oil isn’t exposed to high heat levels during the extraction process, like its refined counterpart. This is key since heat can kill off some of the good nutrients.
Just like with any real food, coconut oil does expire. With that said, coconut oil does last way longer than most fresh oils do. Unrefined coconut oil has a shelf life of more than a year.
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 12, 2016

How To Choose The Best Coconut Water & Top 10 Ways Your Body Benefits From Coconut Water

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Between coconut oil, coconut milk, and coconut water, people are going nuts for coconuts! See the top 8 coconut water benefits (+ how to add it to your diet)!

Between coconut oil, coconut milk, and coconut water, it seems the world is going nuts for coconuts … and rightfully so! In general, coconut products are packed with powerful nutrients that benefit the body in many ways. As more and more research confirm their benefits, it seems more and more people are eager to stock up products made from this tropical fruit! Today, we’re going to focus on coconut water, a trendy and refreshing beverage you should definitely try. 

So What The Heck Is Coconut Water?!

Coconut water is a clear liquid that’s found inside a young, green coconut. Typically, coconut water is taken from a coconut that’s around five-seven months old. The younger the coconut, the more water it contains.
As a coconut matures, the liquid inside of it is replaced with coconut “meat.” That matured meat is then squeezed to create creamy coconut milk, a dairy alternative that’s also gaining a lot of popularity.
While coconut milk and coconut water may sound similar, they are very different in texture, taste, and nutritional value. While coconut milk is loaded with healthy fats and protein, coconut water is fat-free and contains very little protein. Despite that, it still packs a powerful nutritional punch. It’s approximately 46-calories per cup, has 10 grams of natural sugar, and contains plenty of vitamins and minerals that the body needs.
People in tropical countries have been cutting open young coconuts and drinking their water for centuries. While the drink has been used to treat health-related ailments for quite some time, today, researchers are confirming the claims. Below are the top 10 ways your body benefits from coconut water!

1) Perfect For Athlete’s Needing To Rehydrate

Coconut water is often referred to as “nature’s perfect sports drink” and a “life enhancer.” This is mainly because it’s high in calcium, potassium, and sodium. All three of the nutrients I just mentioned are powerful electrolytes, which the body needs to function properly. Athletes lose electrolytes through their sweat. You can also lose electrolytes if you don’t drink enough fluid and become dehydrated. To keep your body balanced, you need to replenish those electrolytes as soon as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to sip on coconut water.
Coconut water’s rehydrating benefits have been proven so powerful that in certain emergency situations, coconut water has actually been used intravenously. People in remote areas of the world have reported great success from using coconut water as a short-term IV hydration fluid. *Note: You shouldn’t attempt this at home. Instead, stick to drinking the coconut water.
In one 2002 study, researchers compared the hydrating benefits of water, coconut water, and standard sports beverages. They had eight participants exercise in the heat and then drink one of the three beverages. They found no difference in sodium levels, urine output, or fluid balance. However, participants reported significantly less nausea after drinking the coconut water, which allowed them to drink more of it. For this reason, researchers call coconut water the best option!
Additionally, doctors point out that coconut water is a much better choice than many sports drinks on the market today because it’s not full of refined sugar. Sports drinks, on the other hand, are loaded with sugar and other chemicals that have been linked to various health issues.

2) Boosts Energy

Fatigue is one of the main signs of electrolyte imbalance. So if you find yourself sluggish by noon and don’t have time for a nap, try sipping on some coconut water. Just one serving of coconut water in the afternoon could help put that pep back in your step. That’s right, with coconut water there’s no need to chug down a sugary Red Bull or 5-Hour Energy shot! Plus, along with cutting back on sugar and other chemicals, coconut water won’t give you the jitters like energy drinks often do.

3) Reduces Muscle Tension

Coconut water is rich in both calcium and magnesium, two electrolytes that have been shown to relax muscles throughout the entire body. This is just another reason it’s the perfect beverage for athletes. Along with relaxing your leg muscles after a long run or arm muscles after an intense iron-pumping session, though, these nutrients can help soothe the muscles around your heart.
muscle tension

4) May Support Heart Health

We heart coconut water and coconut water loves our heart! Since this popular tropical drink is rich in electrolytes, it’s also been shown to support heart health. Researchers say one way it does this is by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.
Cholesterol and Triglycerides
One group of researchers conducted multiple studies on rats. Once they found evidence that consuming coconut water could lower both cholesterol and triglycerides, they decided to do a longer study that compared the refreshing drink to powerful statin drugs. After 45 days of the rats eating a diet high in fat and cholesterol, the researchers found similar effects between coconut water and the drugs. For this reason, researchers say coconut water has lipid-lowering effects.
May Reduce Blood Pressure
In a 2005 study, researchers divided 28 people with hypertension into four groups. They were either given plain water, coconut water, mauby, or a combination of all three. At the end of the study, the group that saw the most significant decrease in blood pressure was the coconut water group. Their systolic blood pressure was 71 percent lower and their diastolic blood pressure was 29 percent lower than those who drank plain water. Researchers attribute this effect to the drink’s high potassium levels. According to the American Heart Association, potassium can help control blood pressure because it lessens the effects of sodium.
heart health
May Reduce Heart Attack Risk
Given the fact that coconut water can help to lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, you probably assumed that it could potentially decrease the risk of heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. Researchers have done studies on rats and the findings are promising. Additionally, researchers say giving coconut water to rats recovering from a heart attack helps speed up the recovery process.

5) May Help Prevent Kidney Stones

If you’ve ever had kidney stones then you know how painful they can be. They can cause abdominal pain and serious discomfort when trying to urinate. Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and other compounds that stick together in concentrated urine. While drinking regular water can help pass kidney stones (and prevent future ones from forming), coconut water is said to be even more beneficial.
In one study, rats were divided into three groups and fed either a standard rat diet, regular water mixed with ethylene glycol, or coconut water. Researchers found the coconut water helped break up the kidney stones, reducing the number of crystals found in the rat’s urine.
kidney stones

6) May Help Fight Diabetes

If you or someone you know is diagnosed with diabetes then you may want to stock up on coconut water. While more research is needed, so far, studies on diabetic animals show the drink could improve blood sugar levels.
In several studies where diabetic rats were fed coconut water, researchers found they had an easier time managing their diabetes. In one study, researchers attributed this effect to L-arginine, an amino acid found in coconut water. L-arginine helps improve insulin sensitivity.
Additionally, coconut water is a good source of magnesium, which is also said to improve insulin sensitivity as well as lower blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes.

7) Helps Fight Free Radicals

Without getting too scientific, free radicals are molecules that form in the body during metabolism (when food is converted into energy). When there are too many free radicals, the body is put under oxidated stress. This can damage cells and lead to disease. One way to fight free radicals is by eating antioxidant-rich foods. That’s because antioxidants are molecules that can interact with free radicals and modify their reaction so they aren’t harmful. Since coconut water contains antioxidants, researchers say the tropical drink can even help keep your body functioning properly at the cellular level.

8) May Improve Digestion

One of the main causes of constipation is dehydration. If your body doesn’t have enough water then your stool will become hard and difficult to pass. Staying hydrated helps keep your intestines smooth and flexible. It also helps keep the food you eat moving through your intestines, and ultimately allows food waste to exit the body. While doctors say drinking 8-16 oz of regular water every two hours can help beat constipation, coconut water is another great option.

9) May Fight Migraines 

Migraines are another sign of dehydration. Rather than reaching for regular water to rehydrate, though, sip on magnesium-rich coconut water. Magnesium has been known to fight headaches and migraines.

10) Helps Relieve Hangovers

While grabbing drinks with some friends can be fun, the next-day hangover certainly isn’t! To help relieve your pounding headache, reach for some coconut water. The electrolytes will quickly help to rehydrate your body. Plus, the antioxidants will help fight any oxidated stress caused by the alcohol.

How To Choose The Best Coconut Water

With the recent popularity of coconut water, bottles of the tropical drink are popping up in grocery stores around the world. In fact, you can find them in just about any health food store or regular grocery store. They’re even sold in Walmart and Target! With so many different options available to us, picking out the “healthiest” brand can be difficult. Here are a few tips to help you pick out the best one:
  • Read the ingredient label carefully to make sure there aren’t any added sugars.
  • Go organic
  • Choose plain, unflavored coconut water (there will be a slightly nutty flavor as is)
  • Make sure it has no more than 50 calories per serving

The Best Option

coconut water
If you’re looking for convenience then bottled coconut water is just fine. However, if you really want to reap the health benefits (and feel like you’re on an island getaway), then opt for a fresh, green coconut! This will assure you are drinking coconut water with no added sugars or preservatives. Fresh coconut water also hasn’t been pasteurized, making it, hands down, the healthiest option. Many health food stores sell fresh coconuts in their refrigerated section. They usually keep for about 3-5 days.

How To Add Coconut Water To Your Diet

  • Smoothies
  • Ice (make ice cubes from coconut water rather than regular H2O)
  • Popsicles
  • Soups
  • Tea
  • Oatmeal (cook your morning oats in coconut water)
  • Steam veggies in coconut water
Happy sipping!
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

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