Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 8, 2016

Everyone Must Know More Than 36 Foods That Heal Common Health Problems

Berries for Thyroid Problems

When you’re struggling with a health problem and looking to avoid taking medication to treat it, food is the number one way you have of taking control of the situation. Always consult your doctor for serious medical conditions, but along with their advice you can take steps to improve the situation naturally with nutrient-rich foods.

1. Berries for Thyroid Problems
Two of the most common thyroid problems are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid is underactive and not producing enough thyroid hormone for the body to function at its best. Hyperthyroidism is when your thyroid is too active, producing more of the hormone than you need. Each come with their own symptoms and treatment methods.
Berries of nearly any type will help with hypothyroidism, thanks to the antioxidant they provide. You’ll be helping to battle free radicals and improve the health of your thyroid.
Additional Dietary Recommendation
Lean protein is also a good food to consume if you have thyroid problems. Salmon is a fish you should be eating multiple times per week as it can play a big part in thyroid health thanks to its omega-3 levels.
Oranges for Allergies
2. Oranges for Allergies
Allergies have a way of throwing you out of sync with the constant sneezing, sniffling, and sinus congestion they bring. One methods is to avoid the triggers that cause your allergies in the first place, and another is to make sure you’re eating right in order to keep them at bay.
Oranges are an important first step in setting the foundation of good health, and less occurrence of allergy symptoms. It’s the Vitamin C in oranges that will strengthen your immune system and keep it from being bothered by allergies.
Yogurt is another food that can help with allergies thanks to its probiotic effect. This makes the body less likely to have an reaction to some of the most common allergens. One other food that can help is raw honey, which contains digestive enzymes that help in a way similar to yogurt.

Treating Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies are a bit trickier, but the same tactic of eating well so your body isn’t experiencing any nutritional drawbacks still applies. Getting familiar with pollen reports and other indicators of your specific allergen is important, and can keep you allergy free the entire year.
Whole Grains for Anxiety
3. Whole Grains for Anxiety
When anxiety gets the better of you it can put a halt to your day and hold you in a grip that makes it feel like it will never stop. There are many factors that contribute to intense feelings of anxiety, and what you eat is one of those factors.
Whole grains can boost your serotonin levels if they’re running low, which in turn makes you feel better. Serotonin is often labeled the “feel good” neurotransmitter, and helps the brain send out signals that all is well.
Blueberries are a food you can eat to help curb anxiety due to the antioxidants and the way these fight damage from free radicals, which can make you more prone to anxiety. You may also want to try eating more almonds because of the healthy fats they contain as well as zinc, which has been shown to improve your mood.
Dark Chocolate to the Rescue
Unlike milk chocolate, dark chocolate is rich in magnesium and contains antioxidants. This combination is enough to help calm you down and keep bouts of anxiety from taking over your day.
Broccoli for Arthritis
4. Broccoli for Arthritis
Nothing will slow you down quite like arthritis pain and symptoms, so it’s important to keep your eye on your diet and look for any areas you may be lacking.
Broccoli is one of those wonderfoods that can seemingly help with just about every health problem. In this case it provides relief due to the substance it contains called sulforaphane, which is showing promising signs of being able to limit some of the damage done to joints.
The omega-3s in salmon are also a great addition to your diet, as they’ve been shown to help reduce inflammation and thus ease arthritis pain. Oranges are another food that you can eat that will increase the amount of Vitamin C you’re getting, which helps keep cartilage healthy by supporting collagen levels.
Raspberries for Antioxidants
Raspberries are a wonderful source of antioxidants, and are proven to be effective at helping to curb excess inflammation in the body. Branch out and take in all types of berries including blueberries and strawberries.
Apples for Bad Breath
5. Apples for Bad Breath
Whether it’s morning breath or just bad breath in general, you’ll want to know which foods you can eat to help freshen things up. Some of the worst bad breath offenders are onions, garlic, and coffee, and are notorious for providing a distinctive smell. But what about foods that can help matters?
An apple a day can do more than keep the doctor away, it can also bring people closer to you. Apples do a good job of cleansing the mouth, without leaving behind an odor of its own.
Yogurt may not seem like a halitosis fighter, but it’s a recommended food to eat in order to put a stop to bad breath. Fresh herbs are also a way to go, and artificial flavors of spearmint and peppermint have been used by gum manufactures for ages. Using them fresh provides all of the flavor, with no artificial sweeteners or chemicals.
Tongue Scraping
Another natural method to fight bad breath is to scrape your tongue when you wake up and again before you go to bed. This process removes the outer film from your tongue, along with plenty of bacteria that can lead to that not-so-fresh taste in your mouth.
Pineapple for Back Pain
6. Pineapple for Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common causes of pain and it is often thought that it is caused by physical imbalances, or a specific action or repeated actions done day after day. What’s surprising is that the food you eat can also contribute to how well your back feels.
Eating fresh, organic, pineapple and you’ll be harnessing the natural anti-inflammatory properties it contains. This will help lessen the amount of back pain you are currently experiencing.
Turmeric is a spice you’ll want to get more familiar with if you suffer from recurring back pain. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help back pain a great deal. Ginger root can also be used for the same effect, and can be made into a tea quite easily be being cut into thin slices and having hot water poured over it. Let steep for one minute and sip like a regular tea.
Green Tea
Drink a few cups of green tea each day and you’ll be getting a host of antioxidants that will help your body repair itself in a number of ways. As an added bonus green tea has been shown to help aid in weight loss efforts, which can help back pain caused by being overweight.
Eggs for Bloating
7. Eggs for Bloating
Feeling bloated is no fun at all, and can sometimes be quite painful. There are foods that are known to cause excessive bloating, and these should be avoided. Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage have been linked to bloating, so watching your intake of these types of foods will help prevent it from occurring.
Scramble up some eggs the next time you’ve got a case of bloating, or eat them regularly to prevent it altogether. Eggs are a great source of protein, and you can also choose free-range eggs that have been fortified with omega-3 for additional health benefits.
Get Enough Protein
Making sure your protein needs are met is one way to avoid getting bloated. Almonds are another great source of protein, and also contain fiber which can help reduce that bloated feeling. Greek yogurt is another good source that can up your protein intake and serves as a probiotic.
Papaya for Bruises
8. Papaya for Bruises
How easily you bruise and how long a bruise lasts are determined by several things, including how well nourished your body is. You’ll want to make sure that you’re getting the right mix of vitamins and minerals so your body can heal up a bruise in no time.
Papaya is off the charts when it comes to Vitamin C, and a 100g serving gives you a full day’s supply of this important vitamin.
Kale can be a big help as well, providing a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can round out your nutritional profile, and will give you Vitamin E.
Mango for Vitamin E
Boost your vitamin reserves with mango, a fruit that not only give you vitamins A and C, but also plenty of Vitamin E. Vitamin E helps bruises heal faster, especially when combined with Vitamin C, making mangoes a one-two combination as a bruise treatment.
Walnuts for Bursitis
9. Walnuts for Bursitis
Bursitis is a painful condition that affects the joints and limits mobility. When you have it you want nothing more than to treat it quickly and effectively. There are specific foods that you can use in order to correct any nutritional deficiencies and get back on track to optimal health.
Walnuts are one food to get more of if you’re suffering from bursitis. They’re a source of omega-3s and will help stop some of the inflammation that is worsening the condition.
Tomatoes will lend a hand thanks to the Vitamin E they contain. Go with sun-dried tomatoes and you’ll be getting a concentrated form leading to better results. You can also eat bananas for important B Vitamins that help the body repair and regenerate itself.
Avocados for Vitamin E
Among other things, avocados provide Vitamin E to the body which acts like an antioxidant and helps soothe pain associated with bursitis. You’ll also be getting fiber, healthy fat, and added potassium, all essential elements the body needs daily.
Kale for Canker Sores
10. Kale for Canker Sores
Canker sores can seemingly pop up out of nowhere and steer your attention to your gums or other areas of your mouth. There are many home remedies for them, and one of the easiest to start applying is to change your diet to include foods that help heal up canker sores.
Kale has several healthy benefits to it, but for canker sores we’re looking for the B Vitamins it contains. These will reduce the overall amount of stress the body experiences, which is one reason often cited for the occurrence of canker sores.
Yogurt can lend a hand thanks to its bacterial content, which goes to work against the harmful bacteria present in your mouth that is keeping your canker sore around or making symptoms worse.
Sauerkraut for Probiotics
Sauerkraut is one way to help beat canker sores. It’s a probiotic that helps aid in digestion, and can also help neutralize that bad bacteria that canker sores thrive on.
Chicken Breast for Cold Sores
11. Chicken Breast for Cold Sores
The painful blisters that emerge around the lips and mouth will make anyone seek for the quickest and most reliable treatment options. There are specific foods you can eat to help keep cold sores at bay and make them disappear as soon as possible.
Chicken breast is a lean source of protein that can be very helpful when trying to avoid a cold sore, or to have it go away as quickly as it can. The lysine in foods like chicken breast, turkey breast and other lean meats will help those cold sores heal up fast.
Eggs are another good lysine source that are easy to incorporate into your diet and will Cheese is another edible source of lysine, as well as calcium and protein, but be careful if you’re watching your total fat grams.
Skim Milk
When it comes time to choose a beverage, opt for a glass of skim milk. This will give you even more lysine and is a great way to supplement your intake of whole foods like chicken breast and eggs.
Blueberries for Constipation
12. Blueberries for Constipation
Constipation can occur for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is not getting enough fiber. The daily recommendation for most adult men is 38 grams per day, and for women it’s 25 grams.
Blueberries are a good source of fiber and an excellent source of antioxidants. Regular consumption of blueberries should prevent bouts of constipation from occurring.
All About the Fiber
Pears are also a good choice, and are a high fiber fruit that is delicious to eat. Broccoli is often regarded for its fiber content and is one sure way to prevent constipation.
There is plenty of fiber in a baked potato, and you’ll want to make sure to leave the skins on so you get the full amount.
Garlic for Cough
13. Garlic for Cough
A cough can be simply annoying or it can be severe enough to limit how much you’re able to get done in a day. No matter what type of cough you have you can treat it with foods designed to help and not hinder.
Increasing the amount of garlic you’re using in your cooking is a good first step. Garlic helps to improve the body’s immune system, so no matter what is causing it your immune system can help get things back on track.
Sip green tea when you feel a cough coming on, or as part of your daily routine. Ginger is another reliable natural remedy for a cough and the best way to consume it is by making ginger tea.
When All Else Fails
If you’ve tried other remedies and nothing seems to be working, try cutting a lemon in half and sucking on one of the halves. This is a remedy passed down through the ages and seems to work in some instances.
Bananas for Depression
14. Bananas for Depression
If you’re clinically depressed, simply changing the foods you eat may not be enough to turn things around. Consult with your doctor to determine what’s wrong. Depression is a serious condition which may require medication to treat fully. However, you can also increase your consumption of the following foods in order to speed up recovery and feel your best.
Bananas contain Vitamin B-6, and many cases of depression have a correlating instance of Vitamin B-6 deficiency. If you haven’t been getting enough of this important vitamin it could be one contributing factor to feeling low.
Other Tasty Options
Spinach and avocados are two other foods that are a rich source of this vitamin, and also provide a ton of other nutritional value that will help you shake the blahs and improve your mental processes.
Beans for Diabetes
15. Beans for Diabetes
If you’re looking to prevent the onset of diabetes, or are looking to better manage it, your diet plays an essential role, and is something you can exert control over. For a bigger list of foods see our Diabetic Foods List.
Beans are one of the best foods for a diabetic to eat because of the high fiber content, minerals, and low effect it has on the body’s blood sugar levels.
Tilapia is one of the more popular choices of fish to eat if you’re looking to prevent or manage your diabetes. Try snacking on almonds for some healthy fats and additional fiber, or have some Greek yogurt for added protein and probiotics.
Increase Insulin Sensitivity
Try drinking green tea and eating more salmon as a way to improve your insulin sensitivity. This will not only help with diabetes, it will help with weight loss. The EGCG in the green tea and omega-3s in the salmon will both help the cause.
BRAT for Diarrhea
16. BRAT for Diarrhea
A bad case of diarrhea can leave you wondering what it is you ate that caused the problem, and what to eat next to make sure it doesn’t happen again. The sequence of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast can help clear up a bout of diarrhea without the need for any OTC medications.
The banana provides fiber, vitamins and minerals to help replenish what’s been lost. Rice helps to add some bulk to the digestive system and has a soothing effect. Applesauce gives you some much needed vitamins, and toast is a way to soak up excess fluids that need to come out. Go with whole grain bread for the toast so you’ll be getting more fiber.
Find a Method That Works
You can also come up with your own sequence of foods that works for you, and an alternative to the BRAT method includes cereal and milk so you’re getting some protein and fat back into the body.
Ginger for Dizziness
17. Ginger for Dizziness
If you’re experiencing dizziness, what doctors refer to as vertigo, there are a few foods you can eat to help make it stop. Call your doctor if you are also experiencing a headache with your dizziness, if it’s impairing your ability to walk, or if you’re having trouble hearing.
Ginger is often used as a remedy for motion sickness, so it’s no surprise to find that it’s your first step when trying to treat feelings of dizziness. For it to work you’ll probably want to take a ginger supplement, as smaller amounts may not be effective.
Additional Vitamin Support
Salmon is a good food to eat because the Vitamin B-6 will help your nervous system. Broccoli makes a good choice because it is an excellent source of Vitamin C which has been shown to help with vertigo.
Coconut Oil for Dry Skin
18. Coconut Oil for Dry Skin
Dry skin isn’t usually a cause for concern, but it can be an annoying condition that flares up from time to time, especially during the dry, cold months of winter. If you’re looking for a more natural way to treat dry skin than slathering yourself with store bought moisturizers, try food instead.
Coconut oil works wonders for dry skin and the great part is that you can use it in two ways. You can apply it directly on the parts of the skin that are the driest. You can also eat it, or use it in your cooking to help the skin from the inside out.
Other Remedies
Salmon and other oily fish are also a good idea when looking to help improve dry skin. Avocado contains healthy fats to keep your skin smooth. Give kimchi a try and see if it helps with dry skin. This fermented cabbage side dish from Korea acts as a probiotic, helping the digestive system and quality of the skin.
Turkey Breast for Eczema
19. Turkey Breast for Eczema
Inflamed or otherwise irritated skin could be a sign of eczema. If it persists you’ll definitely want to have your dermatologist check it out to properly identify it so you can effectively treat it.
Turkey breast can help heal your eczema faster by providing the body with protein. You’ll want to make sure that you go with a roasted turkey breast and not cold cuts you get from the deli, as those will contain added sodium and are heavily processed.
More Foods to Try
Yogurt, strawberries, and cantaloupe have all been known to help get rid of eczema faster. You can also eat sweet potatoes as a way to treat eczema, they contain both Vitamin C and Vitamin A in the form of beta-Carotene, two powerful antioxidants that will help soothe and repair your skin.
Salmon for Enlarged Prostate
20. Salmon for an Enlarged Prostate
You’ll definitely want to consult with your doctor if you suspect you have an enlarged prostate. They’ll help put you on a path to recovery and rule out any concerns that it may be something worse. You can always use food as a way to treat most any condition in the body. Here are the recommendations for an enlarged prostate.
Salmon is your best bet, as it provides you with a big helping of omega-3s, which will help with a healthy prostate overall. A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids has been linked to a prostate that isn’t as healthy as it could be.
If you’ve been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate you’ll want to eat a larger amount of vegetables in general in order to get a wide variation of vitamins and minerals.
Beets for Erectile Dysfunction
21. Beets for Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is more common than most men would believe, and there are some simple remedies involving food that could get things back on track if the cause is a nutritional deficiency.
Beet root juice contains nitrates that can help get things cooking again, and increase the strength and stamina of an erection.
Watermelon and tomatoes can also be of service, they both contain antioxidants that can help the body in its fight against free radicals, and both serve as a boon to the cardiovascular system. If your problem is lack of blood flow you’ll want to pay extra attention to foods that help in that department.
You’ve probably heard that oysters are an aphrodisiac, but there’s some legitimacy to this because of the zinc they contain. If you’ve been running low on zinc, oysters are one way to right the ship.
Tomatoes for Fever
22. Tomatoes for a Fever
Running a fever is a sure way to make you feel out of sorts, and there is so much advice on how to treat it. “Starve a cold, feed a fever” is the old adage, but feed it what?
Tomatoes are a good place to start, as these contain both carotenoids and Vitamin C that can help bolster your immune system and help fight free radicals.
Bananas can be helpful if your fever has been accompanied by diarrhea, as they’ll replace lost vitamins and minerals.
What a Fever is Telling You
Listen to your body and try to determine why you have a fever. It could be because of a cold or flu, or it could be a symptom of something more serious. Keep track of how often you get a fever and see your doctor if it happens with regularity.
Apples for Flu
23. Apples for Flu
Getting the flu can put you out of commission for several days, so it’s important to try to prevent it, and if you do end up with it to help the body heal as quickly as possible. Apples are one food that can get you back to your normal routine faster than you can say Kleenex.
Garlic and Ginger will also help boost your immune system, so start adding more to your cooking and your taste buds will thank you as well. Bananas will help soothe your stomach and give you needed nutrients and fiber.
Chicken Soup Still a Winner
Getting enough rest combined with a larger-than-normal influx of fluids is another way to insure a speedy recovery. The old time remedy of chicken soup can also provide electrolytes and protein from the salt and chicken.
Quinoa for Headaches
24. Quinoa for Headaches
There are many different types of headaches, and a very big range in terms of severity. If you get regular headaches with no explanation for them, you should see your doctor. To help prevent headaches of all types you should eat a well-balanced diet including several servings of fruits and vegetables so that you are getting an assortment of the vitamins and minerals you need each day.
Quinoa is one of the trendiest foods in recent years, and it can help you with many different headaches thanks to its broad range of vitamins and minerals, as well as protein and fiber. It’s an all-in-one food that can get you up to speed quickly if you are running low in any area.
What Kind of Headache Is It?
Knowing the type of headache can help you fix it faster. Types of headaches include tension headaches, stress headaches, migraines, and over 100 others.
Lentils for Hemorrhoids
25. Lentils for Hemorrhoids
Lentils are a tiny legume that can mean big improvement when it comes to a natural hemorrhoid treatment. They’re full of fiber, and will help keep hemorrhoids from becoming further enflamed.
Beans are another legume you can use to help with hemorrhoids. It has many of the same properties of lentils, and the main thing we’re looking for here is the fiber.
Whole grains are preferable when choosing different food items like bread and pasta. Opt for whole grain bread over white bread, and whole grain pasta over traditional. Choose brown rice over white rice. In each case you’ll be getting more fiber and additional vitamins and minerals.
Seek Out Fiber
Fiber is your friend when you’re dealing with hemorrhoids. It will help to soften stools and allow them to pass by the hemorrhoid without agitating it further. Hard stools or constipation can exacerbate the problem, and may have contributed to the problem in the first place. Make sure that your digestive system is functioning at full force by getting enough fiber daily.
Peanut Butter for Hiccups
26. Peanut Butter for Hiccups
Hiccups can be embarrassing if you’re in a crowded and quiet place, and they can also be annoying if they go on for too long.
One trick to hiccups is to eat a glob of peanut butter. Since it’s such a task to chew up and swallow it switches up your breathing pattern and can be just the trick needed for a persistent case of the hiccups.
Does Sugar Work?
One old school remedy is to swallow a spoonful of sugar. While may not the healthiest way to go, the idea is that your senses will be overloaded by the sudden source of sweet fully engulfing your mouth. That’s usually enough to throw your body off the trail of remembering about the hiccups.
Spinach for Hypertension
27. Spinach for Hypertension
One of the most common conditions that doctors see each year is hypertension, or high blood pressure. The reason it causes so much concern is that it’s a precursor to potentially life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Get your blood pressure checked regularly, as there aren’t any symptoms for hypertension and you don’t want to go for an extended time with high blood pressure.
Spinach should find its way into your regular menu for a number of reasons, and if you’re dealing with high blood pressure it becomes even more important.
Bananas can help bring down blood pressure numbers thanks to the Dark chocolate is one way to make sure that your blood pressure doesn’t climb too high.
Beans for Blood Pressure
Eating beans can help keep your blood pressure numbers where your doctor likes to see them.
Green Tea for Acne
28. Green Tea for Acne
Acne is a skin infliction that can strike anyone at any age, and if it is giving you problems it’s about time to start using common foods to try and get rid of it.
Green tea is full of plenty of antioxidants, which play a big part in your overall health, but there’s a specific substance it contains that really puts it over the top with acne assistance. The EGCG in green tea not only promotes weight loss (what it’s most famous for) it also helps keep acne at bay.
Spinach is one of those all-purpose healthy foods that you can use to treat all sorts of conditions, and will also improve your skin, including the appearance of acne. Add salmon to your plate more often, and the anti-inflammatory properties of the omega-3s it contains will help lessen the severity of acne.
Can’t Beat Beets
Beets are full of antioxidants, especially a type called betalains which have been shown to help reduce the appearance of acne. Eat fresh beats that have been roasted in the oven rather than pickled beets to score the more betalains.
Sweet Potatoes for Insomnia
29. Sweet Potatoes for Insomnia
When you can’t sleep you’ll do just about anything for a good night’s rest, and changing some of the foods you eat may be the key. Cutting out caffeine and other stimulants is the first step, as these would just make things worse. The following foods can help you get some much-needed shuteye thanks to their unique offerings.
Sweet potatoes are one possible cure, because of they are low in protein but high in the right kind of carbohydrates that get you serotonin levels where they need to be to get some shuteye.
Pumpkin, Whole Grain Bread, and Broccoli
Whole grain bread, broccoli, and pumpkin also fall into this category, and will give you the best chance at getting to sleep when you want to. Seek out fresh pumpkin and roast it in the oven until it’s soft and delicious.
Brown Rice for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
30. Brown Rice for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can refer to any number of digestive disorders such as pain and cramps in your abdomen as well as erratic bowel movements.
Brown Rice can help in this department because it is a soothing force for the digestive system, providing fiber and bulk so that stools can pass through softly without turning into diarrhea.
Eggs are another great food to eat, as they are easy on the digestive system and provide protein to balance out a meal. Consider eating more avocado as well, since these provide healthy fats your body needs, as well as additional fiber to help your digestion.
Start Off with Oatmeal
Starting your morning off with oatmeal is a good idea if you suffer from IBS. It’s a fiber-rich food that will also help bring down your cholesterol and helps normalize blood sugar levels.
Mushrooms for Laryngitis
31. Mushrooms for Laryngitis
If you wake up one morning to find that you can’t speak or that your voice is so hoarse you sound like a frog, it’s time to seek out a food remedy that can get things back to normal.
Mushrooms are one food to keep in mind when this occurs. They contain antioxidants that can help sooth inflammation, and bring your voice box back to sounding like it should. For this same reason you can also try sweet potatoes and watermelon, two foods that are soothing on the throat, and loaded with antioxidants of their own.
Cabbage May Also Work
Try cooking up a nice cabbage soup. This will soften the cabbage making it easier to eat, while still providing you with the vitamins, minerals, and fiber that cabbage contains to help your condition improve.
Bok Choy for Osteoporosis
32. Bok Choy for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a debilitating condition in which bones lose their density and are more prone to breakage. Getting enough minerals into the body is one way to help prevent this, and your doctor will likely recommend a prescription drug to go along with a change in diet. You can also eat the following foods in an attempt to prevent osteoporosis.
Bok choy provides plenty of calcium and is a great choice if you’re looking to avoid dairy products but still want to meet your calcium needs. Other food sources of calcium are kale, broccoli, and yogurt.
Get Some Sun
Exposing yourself to a little sunshine each day is one way to treat osteoporosis because it will encourage the body to generate its own supply of Vitamin D.
Aloe for Poison Ivy
33. Aloe for Poison Ivy
Poison ivy is the kind of skin irritant that only takes one instance to make you never want to have it again. If you’ve been exposed to poison ivy and are looking to treat it naturally, start with these steps.
Aloe gel is your first line of defense against poison ivy. You can apply it directly on the spot that’s irritated. It may hurt more as you first do this, but the pain will subside and it will feel better once it starts to take effect.
Broccoli is one food that you can up your consumption of as you heal from a poison ivy encounter. It provides you with plenty of Vitamin C so you can boost your immune system.
Also Try Yogurt
You can apply yogurt directly to the spot that hurts. You’ll want to use unsweetened yogurt for this remedy to work. It goes to work at drying up the oil from the poison ivy plant that is causing the problem in the first place.
Cabbage for Psoriasis
34. Cabbage for Psoriasis
The redness and irritation that comes with psoriasis can be irritating and the accompanying scales can be embarrassing. There are topical treatments that have shown to be effective, and also what you eat plays a part in improving the condition.
Cabbage is one recommended food because it contains antioxidants that will help provide a calming effect by curbing inflammation in the body. Blueberries make a great choice as well because they’re loaded with antioxidants which heal the body in several ways. Cucumbers have a very soothing effect as well and can be sliced and placed right onto the offending area.
Fresh Oregano
Try eating more fresh oregano in your cooking. It’s a way to flavor up your meals and provide additional antioxidants at the same time.
Bananas for Sore Throat
35. Bananas for Sore Throat
A sore throat can be caused by anything from strep, to a symptom of a bigger condition, to a nagging scratchiness that just won’t away. There are certain foods you can eat to soothe your throat and provide the nutrients that you may be missing.
Bananas are not only easy to swallow, making them more likely to be eaten when your throat is giving you problems, but they contain vitamins and minerals to help you recover more quickly. It’s not acidic, so it won’t burn your throat as it’s swallowed.
A Natural Remedy
Adding honey and lemon to a cup of hot water makes a soothing drink that will help to clear up any mucus lining your throat and adding to the irritation.
Turmeric for Stiff Neck
36. Turmeric for a Stiff Neck
When you wake up in the morning with a stiff neck it can really throw your whole day out of whack if it’s severe enough. At the very least it will put a damper on your full range of motion, and isn’t always the easiest problem to correct. A massage and stretching are two ways to help, and you can also eat specific foods to help.
Perhaps you only know turmeric from Indian cuisine, but this is an amazing spice that has plenty of health benefits. Add it to more of your cooking, or try it as a tea by simply adding hot water to turmeric powder and stirring until it’s dissolved.
Try Different Teas
Ginger tea and Green tea should also be on your list of options to try. They each contain elements that can help with inflammation in the body. Green tea is especially full of antioxidants that are proven to reduce inflammation.
Yogurt for Yeast Infections
37. Yogurt for a Yeast Infection
Yeast infections occur when there is an excess of the fungus candida and you experience flare ups, often in the vagina but in other areas as well.
Yogurt should be your first food move when you come down with a yeast infection. You can apply it topically or increase your consumption to treat it from the inside. Cranberry juice is a well-known natural way to prevent getting a yeast infection so you may want to enjoy a daily glass to keep them at bay.
Antibiotics and Yeast Infections
One culprit when it comes to the onset of a yeast infection is antibiotics. These kill off bad bacteria as well as good, letting the candida grow out of control, which eventually leads to a yeast infection. To combat this be sure to use probiotics along with antibiotics, as well as once you’ve finished your antibiotic treatment to restore the good bacteria.
Avocados for Stress
38. Avocados for Stress
Avocados can help you manage your stress levels thanks to the B Vitamins they contain. These are important water-soluble vitamins that you need to replenish daily.
Try munching on some cashews. During times of stress you’ll be seeking out crunchy foods as a way to comfort yourself, and cashews make a much better choice than chips or other crunchy junk food items.
Dark chocolate can also be eaten during moments of stress to try to send endorphins to the brain and keep yourself calm, relaxed, and happy.
Grass-fed Beef
Opt for grass-fed beef the next time you’re grocery shopping. It comes from cows that were fed a more natural diet of grass rather than grains. Often grass-fed beef will also be organic, so you’ll be avoiding antibiotics and growth hormones that are fed to conventional cattle.

P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

heal, Heal Common Health Problems, health problems, healthy foods

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