Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 9, 2016

10 Signs Your Body Is Screaming at You for a Detox

How can you tell if you need a full body detox? Your body will tell you, you just have to know what to look for when it’s trying to communicate.

These are some good signs your body and mind is in need for a detox…

Many times a list of symptoms reads like the human condition, with things that almost everyone experiences from time to time. What we’re looking for here is how often it happens. Frequently feeling fatigued, frequently getting constipated or experiencing indigestion, etc. It’s the frequency that matters.
If you’ve noticed any of the following occurs on a regular basis, you’re likely overdue for a detox. It may not be the cure-all, but in many cases it can at least improve the situation, and is the perfect starting point towards fixing it for good.

1. Low Energy/Fatigued
With the meteoric rise of energy drinks and the steady popularity of caffeinated beverages you’d think there was an low energy epidemic in full swing.
Trying to make up for a lack of energy with stimulants like caffeine and taurine only worsen the problem in the long run. After the pick-me-up there is often an energy crash that leaves you feeling worse than when you started. Not only that but these beverages usually act to burden the liver, further exacerbating the problem and sending you into a low-energy spiral.
If you wake up in the morning feeling sluggish, and pretty much stay that way throughout the day with varying degrees of lethargy, you should definitely consider doing a detox. A colon cleanse in conjunction with a detoxification program can help you lose body waste, feel lighter, and release store up toxins.
How a Detox Helps: A detox can help you flush out the things that are preventing you from feeling energetic and having a pep in your step.
2. Constipated
Chronic constipation is a sign that something isn’t right in your digestive system. If you’ve tried increasing your fiber intake and adjusting your diet with limited results, it could be your body telling you that it needs a cleansing. Frequent Indigestion is also a common sign.
If you’ve accumulated years of waste in your bowels and colon, including impacted fecal matter and more, constipation could be just one symptom of a larger, more pressing problem.
In conjunction with a colon cleanse you introduce plenty of healthy foods like raw fruits and vegetables, and stop the intake of fried foods, and other unhealthy options so your body is getting a break, as well as getting the vitamins and minerals it so badly needs.
How a Detox Helps: A colon cleanse is the order of the day if you’ve been battling with bouts of constipation. An effective colon cleanse will not only clear your colon of any stored up fecal matter, but will cleanse your digestive tract as well, improving your digestive health along the way.
detox drink
3. Brain Fog/Unable to Focus
There’s one energy drink on the market that keeps promising to improve your focus. Perhaps that’s because there’s a serious need for many Americans to go on a detox program because of all the toxins they’re exposed to on a daily basis.
If you consistently find that in your natural state you lack the ability to focus and find yourself adrift in a mental fog, your body could be screaming at your to detoxify it, and this is its cry for help. Don’t misread it as a sign to use a stimulating drink or prescription drug.
Once you free yourself of toxins in the form of candida, heavy metals, and more, you’d be surprised how much better you’re able to focus, stay on task, and get things done.
How a Detox Helps: A detox helps get rid of the toxins that are preventing your brain from firing on all cylinders. A candida cleanse alone can restore clarity, focus, and concentration by ridding your body of excessive and damaging candida fungus.
4. Feeling Depressed
The way you feel is largely dependent on your ability to feed your body with nourishing foods. Your mood can change with the right or wrong meal, and eating foods that are low-quality or even toxic to the body over long periods of time can put you in a depressed state.
The problem is that when you start to make changes to feel better and change your diet to include more life-giving foods, the toxins will block the nutrients from finding their way to your brain. Toxins have a way of nestling into the body and can remain there unless acted upon by another force. In this case a detox program can help to get your mind back in the right place.
It’s important to make the distinction between feeling down and depressed and having clinical depression. If you believe that you may be clinically depressed it’s important to consult with your doctor for the best help.
How a Detox Helps: A detox may not be the cure for clinical depression, you’ll want to see your doctor for that. But as far as helping to avoid depressing thoughts, a detox can work wonders. It frees your body of stored up toxins that can keep you in patterns of negative thinking, and can inspire a new outlook on life.
5. Overweight/Trouble Losing Weight
If you’re not at your ideal weight even after several earnest attempts at weight loss, it could be that you were fighting an uphill battle thanks to all of the toxins in your body.
Turning over a new leaf and introducing the body to healthy foods doesn’t work as well as you’d think it does if there is waste in the body that is preventing the absorption of the vitamins and minerals these foods contain.
When you detox the body you are bringing things back to square one rather than starting at a disadvantage. It not only helps the body shed body waste and lose weight as a byproduct of doing the detox, it sets the stage for healthy weight loss with the adoption of a better diet and a more active lifestyle.
How a Detox Helps: A detox cleans the slate if you will, and allows you to start fresh rather than swimming upstream by trying to be healthy while still having plenty of stored up toxins.
6. Trouble Sleeping
An excessive amount of toxins can keep you up at night, tossing and turning as your natural cycle is disrupted. Melatonin signals the body for sleep, but an excessively toxic body can reduce the amount of melatonin that is released, and cause a domino effect when it comes to getting natural, restful sleep.
When the body is persistently kept in an unnatural state, which is the case if you have too many toxins in the body, you may find yourself falling out of rhythm with nature. This will have you staying up late and waking up later than you need to, or feeling like you need more sleep than you actually do.
Try a detox before resorting to sleep aids, which will only prolong the problem.
How a Detox Helps: A detox helps you by restoring your body to a more natural state. You can then be more apt to follow the patterns of the circadian rhythm, getting tired at appropriate times at night thanks to melatonin released by the body, and waking up with the birds feeling refreshed and recharged.
full body detox juice
7. Sexual Dysfunction
It’s funny to think that many of the prescriptions filled and products sold in relation to sexual problems could be solved with a detox program. But your sexual organs are the same as any other organ, and their proper function can be thrown off when there are too many toxins wreaking havoc on the body.
Many who complete a detox program report feeling a stronger sex drive, and a better performance than before they started the program.
If you’ve never done a detox and your sexual performance and desire has gradually waned, it may not be a sign of aging, but rather a sign that you need a detox in a bad way.
How a Detox Helps: If your reproductive organs aren’t getting the vitamins and minerals they need to do their job thanks to toxicity in the body, your physical performance will be affected and you may end up blaming yourself.
8. Unexplained Headaches
The source of some headaches is easy to identify, either from a stressful day or being around a lot of noise. But if you suffer from regular headaches with no obvious cause it may be just the time for a detox.
A headache is a pretty reliable way for your body to tell you that something isn’t right. It gets your attention and can bring your world to standstill if it’s bad enough. Rather than treat the symptom of pain, it’s best to see if your headaches are being caused by a toxic state.
Before trying yet another pain reliever or worrying that you’ll have these headaches for the rest of your life, try a detox program to see if the problem is too many toxins. Just be warned, your headaches may worsen during the detoxification process, but when it’s complete they should be gone, or at least greatly reduced.
How a Detox Helps: A detox gets rid of impurities in the body that may be making you more prone to a headache.
9. Unexplained Soreness/Stiffness
Do you wake up in the morning feeling sore and stiff even though you didn’t do anything the previous day to justify feeling that way? If you play a rough sport or practice Mixed Martial Arts it makes sense to wake up feeling like you were hit by a truck. But what if you don’t have a good reason for feeling this way?
When you have toxins in the body that need to come out you are more likely to suffer from inflammation, because many of the foods and beverages that cause toxicity also lead to inflammation.
If you’ve never done a detox to flush these toxins from the body, they build up over the years and can lead to premature and undue soreness and stiffness in the body.
How a Detox Helps: A detox can help reduce excessive inflammation, which in turn helps to soothe the aches and pains brought on by too much inflammation in the body.
cleansing orange juice
10. Skin Problems/Allergic Reactions
You may have noticed that your skin has been having issues, and nothing that you’ve tried has been able to fix it.
A topical treatment isn’t going to help if the cause of your skin problem is excessive toxicity in the body. It’s time to get to the root cause and follow a proven detox program that lists skin conditions as one of the symptoms it can relieve.
One thing to keep in mind is that a side effect of doing a detox is often rashes and other skin problems, especially if many toxins are being released. These will subside by the time the process has finished, and should not be confused as a worsening of your problem.
How a Detox Helps: A detox works at the source of the problem, ridding the body of toxins that can lead to rashes, outbreaks, and allergic reactions on the skin, as well as sneezing, coughing, and asthmatic conditions.
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

10 Signs, 10 Signs Your Body Is Screaming at You for a Detox, Detox Foods, Screaming at You for a Detox, Signs Your Body

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