Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 10, 2016

Top 50 Healthy Lunch Recipes & Ideas

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50 Healthy Lunch Recipes- fill your stomach & fuel your body with one of these simple & healthy lunch ideas.
Lunch often gets overlooked because breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, and dinner gets the spotlight, but your digestive juices peak at midday so this is one meal you don’t want to skip over. Here are plenty of recipes to keep you happy during your workday, or any day. They’re all made in a health conscious way, so you can enjoy them without guilt and many are made quickly and easily.
Lunch often consists of eating what you didn’t finish the night before. It’s a cost conscious way of eating that can also be delicious if you play your cards right. These recipes will get your creative juices flowing, and help you empty out your fridge at the same time.
roast beef salad
Photo: The Healthy Foodie
Leftover Roast Beef Salad with Shiitake Mushrooms – This recipe looks like the kind of salad you’d get at a restaurant, but the secret is they’re using last night’s beef to get the job done. The roast beef packs protein, the shiitake mushrooms are a bona fide superfood with too many benefits to list, and the greens from the salad give you plenty of nutrients. A well-rounded winner made with leftovers.
Stuffed Bell Pepper – For this recipe they’ve taken leftover taco meat and turned it into a brand new meal. The pepper itself gives you your veggie serving, the taco meat is your protein. They had some black beans with their tacos, which serves as a carb, so if you don’t have black beans when you have taco night you’ll have to come up with your own way to round out this meal. What results is a totally different meal that is quick to assemble and makes a nice lunch.
Skinny Calzones – It’s not very often you see the word skinny and calzone in the same sentence, but this title says it all. It’s very easy to use up any leftover vegetables you have on this, including the peppers, onions, and mushrooms. These are ingredients that just seem to end up in a lot of recipes, and often you have some left in the refrigerator or countertop. This is a recipe that also lets you get creative, adding other veggies not listed here to make the calzone taste the way you want.
Buckwheat Stuffed Bell Peppers – Here’s another way to use up any leftover ground beef that you might have. They add buckwheat to the mix so you’re getting a pepper that is stuffed with both meat and grains, which works well together. You can experiment with different colored bell peppers, since they each have a subtly different flavor to them and can change the dynamic of the meal. Paprika and cumin add some flavor and are good spices to use if you’re watching your waist.
Thanksgiving Monte Cristo Sandwich – They say this uses up your Thanksgiving leftovers, but if you’re the type of family that likes to have a Thanksgiving style meal once in awhile throughout the year, this is a great follow up for lunch the next day. Typically a Monte Cristo would make it onto our Unhealthiest Foods List, but the way they make this gives you all of the taste, without the deep frying and fattiness.
Baby Corn And Green Peas Rice – Here is a simple way to take common leftovers and make a new meal out of them. The rice and corn will give you carbs, while the peas fill in for your veggie. This makes a great side dish to any protein if you’re trying to round things out, or it acts as its own vegetarian meal. Rice is a common leftover, and it’s sometimes hard to figure out what to do with it.
Tex-Mex Quinoa Tacos – We love this recipe because it gives you Mexican flavor, but also uses quinoa so you’re keeping things healthy. It’s not everyday that you can eat tacos and not feel like you’ve fallen off your diet plan. These include the use of avocado, so you’re going to get the health benefits that brings, including healthy monounsaturated fat. Squeezing a lime gives it extra flavor, and the goodness of citrus juice.
Leftover Squash and Rapini Frittata – If you ever end up with leftover squash and rapini you’ll know what to do. But the joy of this recipe is that you can use a bunch of different leftover items using the frittata template. She gives you plenty of different ideas for things you can include in it, so get your imagination going, or start cleaning out the fridge to find suitable foods that can be reused.
Burgers can make a quick and healthy lunch, and keep you away from fast food restaurants as well, serving as a double bonus. Here are 5 ways to make a healthy and satisfying midday burger, without having to loosen your belt after lunch.
sweet potato burger
Photo: 86 Lemons
Vegan Sweet Potato Quinoa Burgers – These burgers end up looking great, with the sweet potato giving them a nice color. On top of that they’re using one of the most popular health foods going right now, quinoa. This is going to give your burger all the texture you’d want, and flavor you wouldn’t expect. They’re also using kale, chopped up so small you won’t notice, but it still lends its flavor as well as all of it phytonutrients that are so important.
Sweet Potato Chickpea Burgers – Here’s a mammoth burger that will definitely leave you feeling full, but shouldn’t slog you down either. They’ve replace the typical beef patty with a mixture of sweet potato and chickpeas, and they also have some beans in there for good measure. The result: you’re getting plenty of fiber from this, as well as nutrients from the different ingredients and carbs from the bun. Success!
Fire Roasted Chile and Garlic Chicken Burgers – Chicken makes a great stand-in for beef, giving you all the protein you could ever want, without the saturated fat and higher calories. They’ve infused this with the flavor of the roasted chiles so you’re not going to complain about the taste. The garlic rounds things out nicely. Switch this to chicken breasts instead of thighs so you’re getting a higher quality protein with less fat and fewer calories.
Around the World Black Bean Burgers – The black beans as a base will leave you feeling satisfied for several hours, and the mix of spices will have you returning to this time and time again as your new go-to lunchtime burger. They’ve used whole wheat flatbread in the picture, which helps to cut down on the carbs, and also gives it a nice presentation. They say that it tastes great with a side of kale, and that’s an easy way to add a lot of nutrients to the meal.
Quinoa, Beet and Chickpea Burgers – Quinoa is the star of the show here, but you also have to love the fact that they’ve incorporated beets into this recipe so you’re getting two superfoods acting in harmony between one bun. The beets give it an amazing color that you probably haven’t seen on a burger before. The chickpeas act to add even more texture and their own flavor so you won’t have to worry about feeling like you’re missing out on meat.
Pizza is great anytime of the day, and it also works great as a lunch item. The trick is that you have to make it in a healthy way, but also make it delicious. Try these recipes for fast and delicious pizza that won’t weigh you down the rest of the day.
mini veggie pizza
Photo: For the Love of Food
15-Minute Mini Veggie Pizzas – This is a great pizza to make when you’re on a time crunch, which usually happens around lunchtime. By the time most pizzas are going in the oven this pizza is going into your mouth. The use of a pita for the crust takes out the crust-making time, and the use of simple, wholesome veggies keeps it healthy and makes it super easy to make. It’s also versatile, allowing you to put any veggies you choose on it.
Veggie White Pizzas – Using a mushroom for the crust is starting you off on the right foot, since you won’t be getting the carbs associated with pizza crust. The cheese is Parmesan, and they recommend using organic ricotta and mozzarella. If you’re in the mood for a delicious white pizza, this is the way to go. The mushroom and eggplant balance out the cheese you’re using, and if you keep it organic it’s not as bad for you as it might seem.
Mango Basil Personal-Sized Tortilla Pizzas – Here’s a fun lunch because you get your very own personal pizza, just like at a restaurant. It’s very creative because they’re using a tortilla as the crust, keeping it easy, delicious, and healthy. The mango and basil go together nicely. The tomato sauce gives you lycopene and there’s just enough cheese used to make it a pizza, without going overboard and making it fattening.
Skinny Pizza Rolls – We had to do a double take with this recipe, because everyone likes a good pizza roll, but it’s usually a guilty pleasure. Here’s a way to get the same sort of flavor without having to run an extra mile at the gym. The total cook time on this is about 30 minutes so this is a lunchtime or snack option that won’t have you working away in the kitchen. They say this is an award-winning recipe, and it’s easy and yummy to see why.
Peach, Arugula, and Ricotta Pizza – Peaches on a pizza? You’ll be a believer too once you try it out. The arugula adds its signature peppery taste to the dish, so what you’re left with is a sweet and spicy and cheesy result. It’s not your typical pizza, but it’s easy to get used to. They have a recipe for a balsamic reduction, and it’s highly recommended that you go with this option for added flavor, and a splash of dark color to contrast the light dough.
Rolls and Wraps
Rolls and wraps are great because they’re portable, so if you’re doing an on-the-go lunch you’ll be glad you packed these. They provide a well-rounded meal and are also healthy and taste great. They are also great for packed lunches, often retaining their shape well.
soba noodle rolls
Photo: Nutritionist in the Kitch
Soba Noodle Salad Rolls with Peanut Sauce – Here’s a salad that’s a roll, packed with noodles and peanut sauce to give it an Asian theme. The soba is a buckwheat noodle that’s big in Japan, and when mixed with the likes of carrots and peppers you’re going to get lots of different flavors competing for your attention. The peanut sauce makes a nice addition and adds some novelty to the meal.
Shrimp and Avocado Summer Rolls – These take spring rolls to a whole new level by adding a good dose of protein from the shrimp, and some nice texture and healthy fat from the avocado. If you’re used to vegetable spring rolls, you’ll appreciate the subtle flavors of the shrimp and avocado, and how they still let you taste the cabbage, cucumber, and carrots in these rolls.
Greek Veggie Wraps – These wraps resemble a Greek salad all wrapped up and portable for an on-the-go lunch. Bursting with flavor from items like olives, tomatoes, onions, and spinach, you’re looking at 10 minutes total to put this together. Make it enough times and you can definitely get your time down. The tomato wraps add flavor to the meal, and help you skip the bread, which often adds too many calories and carbs to a meal.
Spicy Chicken Wrap – The chicken in this gets tucked away in a nice bed of arugula so it wouldn’t be the main focus if it weren’t for the spiciness which comes via sriracha sauce mixed with mayo. Use a teaspoon of mayo instead of a tablespoon to cut down on the calories and fat instantly. You can also sub in chicken breast instead of the drumstick for a better protein. The rest of the recipe is good to go, and this is one way to eat healthy at lunch.
Terah’s Delicious Lettuce Wraps – Lettuce wraps are just fun to assemble and devour, and these are no exceptions. The teriyaki flavoring puts them over the top on taste, and the fact that you’re using lettuce in place of bread or a wrap means that you’re coming in low on carbs and calories. They say you can use a low-fat sesame dressing to go with these, and that works well to add even more flavor and helps with some of the dryness of the chicken.
Super Tasty Chicken Wraps – If you call something super tasty you’d better bring your A game. They pull it off by using a select blend of spices and ingredients to get the chicken just right, and then top things off by using a guacamole spread that you’ll likely end up using in other dishes you make. These wraps keep it healthy with low-fat sour cream (try Greek yogurt if you don’t like buying low-fat items) and low-fat wraps.
Salads make a nice light lunch, and if you pair them with some of the soups listed here you’ll be all set. Several of these make their own well-balanced meal without needing to have anything with them. Of course if you want a bigger lunch you can add a soup or sandwich with them.
black bean salad
Photo: Oatmeal with a Fork
Spicy Black Bean Guacamole Salad – Spicy foods are very satisfying because they get your taste buds revved up. They’ve also been shown to help get your metabolism going. Here we have black beans providing a “slow carb” to help regulate blood sugar levels and avoid a midday crash, and the avocado in the guacamole adds even more nutritional value. Served over a bed of romaine this salad will rock your socks.
Warm Spinach Salad with Bacon, Mushrooms & Eggs – The eggs provide the protein that will leave you feeling good after lunch and cruise right on to dinner. The spinach provides its classic nutrients, and the bacon can be optional if you’re strictly cutting out fat, or switched to turkey bacon if you want the taste but not the extra fat. Mushrooms and onions join the party and this becomes a well-rounded meal.
Grilled Vegetable and Tuna Salad with Salsa Verde – This is a bowl you won’t soon forget, and it uses tuna to supply protein as well as omega-3s. It also has avocado to give you healthy fat, and asparagus to help your body get rid of toxins, and help you prevent things like heart disease and cancer. They’ve snuck so many vegetables in here, like zucchini and eggplant, all while keeping it gluten-free.
Almond, Cashew Chicken Salad on Ciabatta – Celery often pops up as a health food, but it is really good for you, and it’s used in this chicken salad recipe. The almonds add another superfood into the mix, the cashews give it extra flavor, and the chicken used is boneless and skinless, packing in the protein without the added fat and cholesterol. The amount of mayo used gets spread among 4-6 servings so it’s not a huge setback.
Tuna Tomato Bites – Here’s a unique way to present tuna salad, while also adding another healthy food with the tomatoes. The tuna supplies protein and other minerals without adding fat, just opt for the albacore variety. There is also cottage cheese for more protein, and avocado can help prevent cancer, and help you lose fat because of its healthy fat content. These can be ready in just 10 minutes, making them a great last-minute lunch idea.
Tuna Salad Endive Crackers – They show you several different ways you can use endive, which most of us don’t really incorporate into our cooking. The one that caught our attention involves using the endive as serving trays for a delicious tuna salad. Presentation points galore, and also extra healthy with the use of lentils, plenty of metabolism boosting spices, tomatoes and avocadoes so it’s really a meal, but could also be used as an appetizer at a party.
Chinese Chop Salad – The nice thing about eating a chopped salad is that you don’t have to worry about pieces of lettuce that are too big. It’s already been chopped up nicely so you can just eat it. This salad is a thing of beauty, not just because of the way it looks, but for what it contains. Ingredients like toasted almonds, romaine lettuce, and just a bit of ramen noodles for crunch and flavor. Topped with low-fat dressing you’re all set.
Mexican Salad with Kale and Heirloom Tomatoes – Kale all by itself is going to bring you so many nutrients, but they don’t stop there, giving you lycopene in the tomatoes, and black beans supply extra fiber and fill you up. There’s also avocado in there, and it’s kept in good-sized chunks so you can really taste it and get its texture. Not to mention it’s a wonderful superfood. This take on a Mexican salad is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.
Nothing is more classic than a sandwich for lunch, but some sandwiches can really hold you back as far as eating right goes. There are sandwiches that tip the scales at 1000 calories or more. But not these, so go ahead and enjoy them without the guilt.
better than a pb&j
Photo: Foods for the Soul
Better Than a PB&J – If you like a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but don’t think you can have one while you’re watching your weight, here is a way to get the flavor but in a healthier way. This is a sandwich Elvis would have approved of, as it uses his famous mix of peanut butter and bananas. You get potassium and fiber from the banana, healthy fat from the peanut butter, and a little sweetness and tart from raspberry jam.
Open Faced Tuna Sandwich with Avocado – Making a sandwich open faced is a good way to split the difference as opposed to using two slices of bread. You get the flavor and substance of the bread with half of the calories and carbs. Tuna is great to use for a sandwich, as it balances nicely with the bread, and provides both omega-3s and protein without boosting fat totals. Avocado and plenty of veggies assist in making this a fantastic lunch.
Veggie and Hummus Sandwich – Gone is any meat, and in its place is hummus. If you’re usually a meat-eater you might scoff and say that there’s no way this sandwich could keep you full and get you through the remainder of your workday, but try it first and sea. There’s something about the chickpeas used in hummus that hits the spot without making you feel bloated or stuffed. You’ll be clear-headed and ready for what’s next.
Grilled Turkey Sandwich With Basil Aioli – The roasted turkey breast in these sandwiches is a nice start, adding copious amounts of flavor without adding a lot of fat. Turkey breast gives you protein, but not a lot of fat and cholesterol. The basil aioli is what puts this sandwich on the charts, and will really make your mouth water when preparing it. Grilling it up is just like putting icing on a cake. Delicious!
Curried Chicken Apple Salad – Cubes of curried chicken make this sandwich an instant favorite. If you like curry chicken, and you like sandwiches, you’re sure to like this one. The use of apples adds a nice sweetness to things, and also boosts the nutritional value of the meal. What you end up with is a recipe that keeps things healthy by using items like Greek yogurt for the creaminess instead of fattier options like mayo.
Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich – Protein, healthy fat, and whole wheat bread, what’s not to love about this sandwich. It has you covered on all counts, even including salad greens so you’re making sure to eat your vegetables. The use of hardboiled eggs means you’re avoiding the use of any extra fats or oils to cook them, and it’s a dish you can pre-make ahead of time so you have everything ready when lunch rolls around.
Peanut Butter Banana and Honey Sandwich – Here’s another peanut butter-based sandwich that also uses bananas, and adds some honey to the mix as well. The benefits of honey have long been established, just don’t overdo it. This recipe is great because they’ll actually show you how to compliment this sandwich with other healthy lunch box goodies, for yourself or your little one.
Creamy Avocado Salad on a Croissant – The amazing assembly of ingredients here is one that you’ll want to savor as you eat it. The avocado is a good way to start things off, with it’s creamy texture and plenty of healthy properties. She’s also using plenty of light veggies like cucumber which contains a lot of water to help you stay hydrated and focused through the day. There’s also an egg for protein, Greek yogurt for more creaminess and texture, and feta cheese to wow your taste buds.
Healthy Egg Salad Sandwich – Egg salad is a nice lunch to make because a lot of the prep work can be done ahead of time, and leftovers store easily so you can make it last until tomorrow. This recipe turns things on its head by cutting out the mayo entirely, so no worries about all of that fat and calories. You’re also able to tinker with the recipe, adding a bit of mayo to make sure it still tastes the way you want it to.
Turkey Club with Creamy Rosemary Spread – Turkey breast makes a great lunchtime protein, and will help you stay focused while on the job, even with the tryptophan. They’re using center cut bacon to try to keep things lean, but you can also opt for turkey bacon to make sure that you’re not getting too much fat and cholesterol. The creamy spread is made with Greek yogurt, so it’s one creamy item that you don’t have to worry about.
Smoothies and Shakes
If you’re looking to get all of the satisfaction of a full lunch without the time it takes to make a meal, these smoothies and shakes are built to provide you with vitamins, minerals, and protein to propel you through the rest of your day.
vanilla berry smoothie
Photo: Lunch Box Bunch
Vanilla Berry Smoothie – Here’s a way to get antioxidants into your system, and fast! The raspberries will provide those, and she also includes a version where you’re using protein powder to make this extra healthy and filling. There’s also a banana in there for good thickness, and almond milk replaces ordinary milk to make it dairy free.
Charissa’s Favourite Superfood Smoothie – Charissa got it right when she decided to use a concoction of superfoods together. They contain a fantastic amount of antioxidants that go to work on the free radicals in your body. If you’re having a stressful day at work or at home you probably have more free radicals than usual, and this smoothie can help you out big time. It’s packed with berries, spinach, avocado, and plenty of protein to keep you satisfied.
Dashing Dish™ Protein Shakes – Here is a lineup of protein shakes that you can return to time and time again since they’re so satisfying and use healthy ingredients so you don’t have to feel roped into buying expensive protein shakes from health food stores. They even give you a base to work from so you can concoct your own creations.
Honey and Walnut Spiced Protein Shake – Low fat cottage cheese starts this shake off on the right foot, providing plenty of protein, and giving it a thickness as well. Protein powder gives the assist so this is a protein packed shake. Walnuts give your teeth something to do, and also add their own healthy fat and nutrients.

If you only have a big bowl of soup it can be a light meal, but it also plays nicely with sandwiches and salads. These soups are hearty enough to make their own lunchtime treat, or you could have a small salad or a half sandwich with them, it’s up to you.
chiliPhoto: Epicurean Mom
Chili with Chipotle – This recipe uses three different beans, so you’re going to get plenty of fiber, and a good amount of protein. She also says that it’s easy to make changes and substitutions on this recipes, which is always nice when you don’t have the exact ingredients being called for. We like that she’s suggesting you use organic beans, since they form the foundation of this meal. Consider using a dollop of Greek yogurt in lieu of the sour cream. Overall, a fantastic chili to add to your list of lunch possibilities.
Four Grains Soup and Potato Stuffed Flatbread – This is a soup that really does eat like a meal due to the ingredients that make it up, and the flatbread you serve with it. You’re using barley and lentils here, and it’s best to go organic with these as conventional crops will use plenty of chemicals to help them grow. The flatbread recipe is something you can keep on file for future use.
Minestrone Soup with Chicken Meatballs – Minestrone soup on its own makes a great starter to a meal, but when you add the chicken meatballs you now have a complete meal with a protein, vegetables, and carbs in the form of the pasta used. This is an easy dish to whip up and then let simmer while you’re doing other things.
Creamless Creamy Tomato Soup – Most dieters run from cream based soups, but here’s one you can embrace. Most tomato soups have a cream base, which negates a lot of the healthiness. They pull off the “creamless cream” by using pieces of bread, which break down into the soup and leave it thick and creamy without adding fat. This recipe also had grilled cheese croutons so you get the full experience.
No matter how busy you are, there are recipes on here that you can make in order to feel good and give you a short break in the middle of your day. You might be tempted to skip lunch, but that isn’t good for your metabolism, and it’s nice to have a substantial meal at this time so that your body has fuel to carry it through the day and get done what needs to get done.

P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 10, 2016

What Is GMO? Are They Safer Than We Think?

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The evidence behind the highly controversial science of GMO...

The debate surrounding genetically modified organisms (GMO) is an impassioned one. This high-tech food production method, which occurs when genes are modified by scientists, is the topic of heated discussion, and there is a significant amount of research already conducted, and currently being conducted, attempting to prove and disprove its safety. Those in favor of GMO argue that the science benefits the agriculture industry, markets and even the nutritional value of food in some cases, while those against argue that eating genetically modified food is dangerous, unnecessary, and potentially harmful to human health. Despite the significant controversy that surrounds this farming practice, GMOs are found in more than 70 per cent of processed food in the US, and often without labels to specify that fact..

What Is GMO?

Also known as ‘genetic engineering’, genetic modification involves the technologically-advanced science of extracting genes from the DNA of one species and artificially implanting them into another species. This allows farmers to guarantee desirable traits in their food crops and livestock. For example, scientists are testing GMO options to make tomatoes more resilient to freezing temperatures. One experiment that was conducted by scientists was to insert an antifreeze gene from a winter flounder, which can live in freezing waters, into tomatoes to increase their tolerance to frost. This genetically modified tomato is not commercially available, but is an example of the kind of research being conducted into revolutionizing the agriculture industry.
GMO lab
Genetic modification is a significant step up from ‘selective breeding’, which has existed for thousands of years. This modern biotechnology is more efficient and effective than previous breeding methods, enabling seed developers to add genes from other organisms into crops, directly modifying the product’s genome. Using genetic modification like this, scientists can produce new varieties of plants and animals with certain qualities, which in some cases, means they can eliminate the use of chemical pesticides. For example, if a crop is being destroyed by a certain insect, scientists can add a particular gene that acts as a repellent for that insect. Genetic engineering has allowed farmers to deal with common problems they are confronted with, such as increasing wheat’s resistance to drought, and allowing maize to survive pesticides. Some GM crops can even produce higher yields than natural crops. However, on the other side of the fence, it is argued that genetic modification has increased the use of pesticides because scientists are able to make the food resilient to the chemicals.
GMO crops

What Are The Major Concerns?

The biggest question people are asking is whether GM foods will have a negative impact on human health and the environment. The human health aspect stems from the changes to the nutritional content of foods, allergy responses, toxicity, organ damage and gene transfer. These questions have been addressed over a number of years through in-depth research conducted by different independent groups around the world. As a result, the American Medical Association and World Health Organization have both concluded that GM foods are safe for consumers. But there are plenty of unanswered questions in relation to large-scale genetic medication and GMO agriculture. According to some scientists, there are potential environmental concerns regarding the impact and sustainability of GMO farming, while supporters say it could have a positive effect on the environment. And so, the battle rages on…
Genetically engineered food

Understanding Genetics, Evolution And Selective Breeding

To understand genetic modification, you should first get your head around genetics, evolution and the millennia-old practice of selective breeding.
Genetics is the field name of the scientific study of genes, heredity and inherited characteristics. Genes are made up of DNA and act as instructions to make living organisms. All living plants and animals inherit genes from their ancestors, and these genes tell cells what to do, which results in the appearance and function of the product. However, genes are prone to mutation, which is one of the reasons everything has a unique physical feature, even if it is very minor.
What are GMOs?
Evolution refers to the historical occurrence of change in species over many generations. The genetic makeup of individuals causes the evolutionary changes, even within the same species. This is usually a very slow process and is influenced by certain environmental conditions. Natural selection is an example of evolutionary adaptations, and it is a very simple one. It refers to the rates of reproduction and mortality, with those best suited to their environment surviving and reproducing more successfully than organisms that are not as well suited. As a result, after several generations, the better-adapted organisms are the dominant ones, filtering out the less suited ones, known in layman’s terms as ‘survival of the fittest’.
Selective breeding has been around for thousands of years, and is a much faster process than evolution. Domesticated plants and animals have been selectively bred by humans to produce better, more desirable products. For example, cows have been selectively bred to produce more milk, apple trees to produce larger fruit, and wheat to be more resilient to disease. Despite the human interference, the principles of the breeding are still technically natural, because foreign DNA is not being inserted into the organisms. That is where GMO differs…

The Claims About GMO

Genetic modification has been the subject of heated debate in recent decades, and as a result, there are a number of myths mixed in with the truths.
GMO foods are all around us, and are basically impossible to avoid if you shop at supermarkets and eat a balanced diet. What’s more, producers do not have to label genetic modification in food, so if you do want to avoid it, it is extremely difficult.
GMO food
There are a number of claims that suggest GMO food is not safe, with discussions focusing around four major areas of concern. These are ethical concerns, socio-economic issues, environmental impact, and human health. The first issue anti-GMO campaigners have raised is the idea that the technology is ‘too new for us to know if it is dangerous’. This may have some slim merit, however, genetically engineered plants became commercially available more than 20 years ago, and they had been tested in labs for a decade before that. Since then, more than 1,700 peer-reviewed safety studies have been conducted and published. Five of those were in-depth reports from the National Research Council, focusing on human health and the environment. And the current science on GMO food is that it is no more or less dangerous than conventional crops.
Traditional farming
Next in line is the claim that it is not worth the risk because there are other ways to feed the world without GMOs. While this advanced farming technology isn’t about to solve the world’s food problems, it does have the potential to significantly increase crop production and security at a time when climate change and population growth threaten food supplies.
And probably the most worrying claim is, ‘GMO’s cause health problems, including allergies and cancer’. This claim comes from the idea that hazardous proteins like allergens and toxins are added to food during the genetic engineering process, which is a legitimate concern. It is, theoretically, possible for a new gene to express a protein that can incite an immune response. However, because of this risk, biotech companies perform extensive allergy and toxicity tests. The downside is, this sort of testing is voluntary, but if they are not conducted, the FDA can block the products.
Genetic modification

GM Food And Nutrition

For people searching for a healthy lifestyle and eating natural whole foods, the idea of genetically modified food can be very off-putting. This is understandable, but when looking purely from a scientific nutritional point-of-view, the technology can actually improve the nutritional profile of food. This means it has the potential to assist in reducing the rates of malnutrition around the globe where certain nutrients are lacking. For example, golden rice has beta-carotene added to it, providing a dose of vitamin A, which is lacking in many diets.
Golden rice
While people in first world countries can readily purchase and consume safe, healthy food, micronutrient malnutrition is quite widespread in poorer countries. This affects more than 50 per cent of the population in the developing world, which is why GMO is being touted as a possible solution, or part-solution, to the problem. Transgenic methods, such as bio-fortification, which involves increasing a crop’s nutritional value through genetic engineering, is considered a potentially low-cost solution. However, this option and the current products under review have not been fully tested or approved yet.
There is one major cause of concern related to certain GMO crops, and that is the use of the herbicide glyphosate (roundup), which may be harmful to human health. GM crops that have been developed to be herbicide-resistant and sprayed with this herbicide have the potential to cause adverse effects, according to research. A further study of rats found that GMO corn sprayed with roundup caused cancerous tumors, potentially resulting from the toxic effects of the herbicide, or the genetic modification. The research was heavily criticized and was later retracted, but then republished in a different journal.

So, Are They Safe?

Over the course of a decade, between 2003 and 2013, more than 1,000 studies concluded that human health and the environment were not in any danger from the development or consumption of genetically engineered crops and food. Among the evidence compilation was a meta study of 50 research projects compiled by the European Commission. It concluded that the ‘use of biotechnology and of GE plants per se does not imply higher risks than classical breeding methods or production technologies’.
The reality is, GMO foods cannot be labeled as ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’ at this stage. The health of them depends entirely on every individual genetically modified crop. However, the risks associated with genetically modified food are scientifically considered to be very low. They are not considered to be any riskier than selective breeding. Despite the fact that there is no evidence to date suggesting GMOs are harmful to humans, the controversy surrounding them continues. This may stem partially from a mistrust of biotech companies, and is not totally unwarranted. There are many scientific studies on the safety of GM food that pose potential conflicts of interest. However, there are also many independent studies that have been conducted, concluding the same thing.
Are GMOs toxic?

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There is no current evidence to suggest that genetically modified food is harmful to human health. As far as nutrition and science is concerned, you have to look at the available evidence at the time. This, of course, may change over time, but at the moment, GMO food is considered safe to eat. The biggest question mark looming over this modern agricultural practice is the use of the herbicide, roundup. Some GMO crops have been bred to resist the effects of herbicides and pesticides, and when they are sprayed with roundup, they may have a toxic effect on human health when consumed. This is still the subject of heated debate, as is the science of genetic engineering. However, there is no reliable evidence that GMO food is harmful or toxic to human health.
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2016

Detox Question and Answer

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Detox FAQ

28 Natural Ways to Detox Your Body- the best resource for cleansing tips.

What is a detoxing diet?

A detoxing diet is one that is set up to get the body to flush out toxins and accumulated waste so that it functions more properly, and sets the foundation for a healthier lifestyle. The working theory is that the body lives in a toxic environment, from the foods we eat to our homes and offices, there are plenty of things that make it so we get away from our natural state. Detoxing is presented as a way of helping to get rid of those toxins, allowing our digestive and immune systems to get back to normal and keep us healthy.

Can detoxing cause diarrhea?

Depending on what type of detox program you’re on, you may experience diarrhea. This is especially true if you are using a special type of tea or food that is meant to help clean out your colon or digestive system. The severity of the diarrhea will depend on how much you needed to expel, or how powerful the food or drink in question is. It is not the same as having diarrhea caused by a stomach bug.

Does detoxing cause breakouts?

If your detoxing efforts are successful, your body will be expelling toxins at a rapid rate. This has been known to cause breakouts in some individuals as your body tries to cope with what is happening. The good news is that once you have completed the detox program you should notice an improvement in your skin. It should be more radiant and clearer once it’s not battling excess amounts of toxins.

Can detoxing make you constipated?

Many times a detox program will have you cutting back on the amount of food you eat. The less that goes in, the less that comes out, so many people experience what seems to be constipation. With other programs that have you eating foods you’ll likely be eating more leafy greens and other foods that are high in fiber, and that should be enough to keep you regular throughout.

How long does detoxing take?

In many instances this is entirely up to you, but there are also several programs that have a set amount of time, like a 24 hour detox, or a 3 day detox, or even a week, two weeks, or a month. That’s why it’s important to pick a time frame that sounds right to you, and to approach this so that you don’t bite off more than you can chew if it’s your first time detoxing. Take it slow and know that you can always stop early if you feel you need to.

Can detoxing cause nausea?

With the drastic changes happening to the body during a detox, it’s quite possible that you may experience nausea. There are several reasons why this might happen. First, if your body has grown accustomed to certain toxins, it will be somewhat traumatic for them to be purged. Also, if you are eating a specific food or drinking a detox tea that doesn’t agree with you, it might make you feel nauseous.

Does detoxing make you gassy?

There is a chance that detoxing will cause gas, since many of them will have you eating all-natural and raw foods, and if your digestive system isn’t used to them it may respond with excess gas. You may also be doing a colon cleanse during the program, and that can lead to gas as you are cleansing the walls of the colon and releasing built up feces and other debris that has accumulated.

Is detoxing a hoax?

Because of the drastic claims made by some companies and authors about what their detox program can do for you, many have come to believe that the whole concept is bunk. But while detoxing may not be the miracle solution it’s often described as, it can’t really be considered a hoax either. It’s logical to think that giving the digestive system a break and treating the body well for a span of time would have enormous benefits. If nothing else you’re stopping the constant flow of processed foods and upping your intake of nutrient-dense foods, so some good must come from it.

Can detoxing make your period late?

Many factors can affect your period, including stress and changes in your diet and lifestyle. Since detoxing typically involves drastically changing your food intake, some women have reported a change in their menstruation cycle. If you are concerned about how a detoxing program will affect your cycle be sure to consult with your doctor and let them know which one you are considering, including how long you’ll be on it and what it entails.

Does detoxing help with cellulite?

Cellulite is a pesky problem, and those that have it will consider most viable options for getting rid of it. While there are several reports that certain detox diets help to improve the skin, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of scientific evidence or research studies into how detoxing can help with cellulite. If cellulite is one of your major concerns, pick a detoxing program that specifically states it’s designed to help with it.

Is fasting detoxing?

The two are not synonymous, but many detoxing methods involve fasting, or drastically cutting back on food while you’re on the program. The idea is that by cutting off your food supply you’re giving the digestive system a chance to rest. By not having a constant supply of food to eat, it’s able to process whatever the last thing you ate was, and then work on repairing itself, or purging itself of anything that doesn’t belong. You may also see things like a fruit and veggie fast, or a juice fast, where you’re not exactly fasting in the strictest sense of the word, but you’re limiting yourself to only those foods, or only juices.

Can detoxing cause anxiety?

It’s not uncommon to feel anxious while detoxing. It involves treating your body in ways that are likely unusual, and this can lead to stress and anxiety because you don’t quite know how your body will respond. If your detox program involves fasting, you may get a bit antsy about the process, and you may even panic halfway through if you haven’t established a proper re-entry plan. That’s why it’s a good idea to follow a program that resonates with you so that all of the steps are laid out and you don’t have to worry about it.

Does detoxing help eczema?

You’ll want to make sure that you choose what’s called an “eczema detox program” in order to make sure that you end up treating it, instead of making it worse. There is anecdotal evidence that you can actually worsen the condition if you are following a detox plan that doesn’t take it into account. Stick with a program that is specifically designed to have you abstain from things that make it worse, and flood your body with things that can help.

Does water detox the body?

Water has a cleansing effect on the body and every detox program out there will stress the importance of keeping yourself hydrated while detoxing. If you’ve been in a dehydrated state for an extended period of time – and many Americans are – you can get a great benefit by gradually bringing more water into your life. If you are following a detox program, be sure to drink enough water since all of your organs benefit by it, and it will help facilitate the release of toxic substances and waste.

Can detoxing help you quit smoking?

One theory of detoxing is that you can help the body purge itself of nicotine, as this is a toxic substance. If you want to go this route be sure to follow a program that is designed specifically for nicotine detox. It will help you to cope with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that are sure to arise, and will have you eating foods and drinking drinks that are geared towards flushing out the nicotine.

Do detoxifying foot pads work?

Detoxifying foot pads are meant to be worn at night, and are supposed to extract toxins out of the bottom of your feet. The “proof” is allegedly in the pad, since it changes color from a bright and clean white when you put it on, to a disgusting black or dark brown when you wake up in the morning. But numerous studies have shown that there aren’t any toxins in the used pads, and that the color change is due to a chemical reaction from ingredients in the pad reacting with the sweat produced by the feet during the night.

Does detoxing help with hair growth?

Many a balding man has wondered if detoxing will cause the problem to stop, or even reverse itself. It’s nice to think that it’s a toxin that is causing the hair loss, but if it’s male pattern baldness you’ll likely see no difference in the problem. Just ask the many men that have completed several detox programs and still have seen no change in their hair loss. A detox may help with the quality of the hair you do have, making it appear more healthy and shiny, but we have found no evidence that it can help with male pattern baldness. There may be other causes of hair loss that it is effective with.

Does detoxing make you poop?

Many detoxing programs focus on clearing out your digestive system including your colon, so you’ll likely see an increase in the amount of poop coming out of you. This is due to the large number of vegetables, fruits, and other foods and drinks that are consumed during a detox that are geared at stimulating the bowels, or that are full of fiber so that it really gets things moving. If you don’t typically eat a lot of fiber, and have a sluggish digestive system, this will most assuredly get you to go more often than you do.

Is detoxing good for diabetics?

There are certain programs that have been established for those with diabetes, which takes into account the special needs in regards to blood glucose levels. In any case, you’ll want to run it past your doctor, since they’ll have your full medical history and will be able to alert you any possible problems they see with the foods you’ll be eating and the amount of time between meals. What you don’t want to do is choose a program that does not mention whether or not it is suitable for diabetics.

Does detoxing make you sick?

There is some concern as to whether detoxing can make you sick, by tampering with the immune system and leaving you susceptible to colds and other illnesses that you otherwise wouldn’t get. But overall the detoxing should provide you with an improved immune system, as well as improved digestion, which should make it so you’re healthier and less likely to get sick. There is also the phenomenon of releasing a load of toxins all at once, and feeling like you have a cold, but this is a temporary condition that passes with time.

Can detoxing cause joint pain?

It all depends on the program you pick. Some detox programs focus on anti-inflammatory foods and beverages which should actually provide relief for joint pain caused by inflammation. There are others that will actually cause more inflammation while you’re on them, which is why it’s a good idea to study up on what is involved, what you’ll be eating, and how long you’ll be doing the program. Take this information to your doctor for their advice.

Do detoxification programs work?

Since everyone has their own goals and expectations when it comes to detoxing, it really is a subjective situation. If you get swept away by claims of improved sleep, more energy, a clearer complexion, rapid weight loss, clearer thinking, and more, you may be disappointed when all that happens is you feel a little better. You may be even more disappointed when you find that you feel worse. It’s a good idea to set clear goals when it comes to what you’re trying to accomplish, and then do your best to objectively analyze the results.

Is detoxing really necessary?

This is really up to you to decide. Some people find that the idea of detoxing makes a lot of sense, and they schedule it at regular intervals throughout the year. Others take the approach that it’s not really necessary because those in previous generations didn’t detox, and they lived to be 80, 90, etc. When you consider that foods today are more heavily processed than any time in our history, and that there are more people on the planet than any time before, it starts to make more sense to cleanse the body on a regular basis, if nothing more than to help put a dent in how many impurities we’re exposed to.

Does detoxing make you smell?

There is a thought that if you are eating nothing but fruits and vegetables and drinking herbal teas that your body will start to give off a particular odor. Since you’re also supposed to be releasing toxins it only makes sense that your body odor would be affected. But aside from a few stories from those that said they noticed a smell while detoxing, you shouldn’t expect it. There may be some programs that have a higher likelihood of causing a smell than others, based on what you’re eating and drinking.

Is detoxing your liver safe?

Detoxing the liver is generally safe as long as you don’t go to extremes or do things to jeopardize your overall health. The liver is a resilient organ, and it just needs a little TLC to provide great benefits. Choosing a detox program with an emphasis on cleansing the liver is a good idea in most cases, especially if you haven’t exactly been kind to your liver through the years.

Can detoxing cure herpes?

Herpes has no cure currently, but you may find that detoxing helps to minimize your symptoms and outbreaks. There are several programs that say they have figured out the cure for herpes and that it involves following a certain detox plan. But in these claims they fail to establish that the herpes virus has really been “cured” and that it is no longer found in the body.

P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 10, 2016

How to Make a Detox Body Wrap Naturally in 7 Easy Steps

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How to Make a Detox Body Wrap Naturally- in 7 steps.
One of the more popular and emerging detox methods is a detox body wrap. It involves wrapping yourself up in order to help draw out toxins from the body. There are several ways this can be done, so it’s important to choose the method that makes the most sense for your current situation. Once you complete all of the steps you should feel a greater sense of wellbeing, and you’ll be setting the stage for better overall health.

Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 10, 2016

What Are Essential Oils and How To Choose The Best Essential Oils

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Essential oils have been for their medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Find out exactly what essential oils are used for and if they really work!

The belief that scents have a powerful effect on our overall well-being dates back to thousands of years ago. In fact, they were even used by famous ancient physicians, such as Hippocrates, Galen, and Crito. Over the years, essential oils have been used by various cultures around the world to help improve both mental and physical health. Today, researchers are taking a closer look at their effectiveness and learning even more about their powerful therapeutic benefits. Some of them might surprise you!

What Are Essential Oils?

If you’ve ever walked through your local health food store, you may have noticed an aisle filled with tiny bottles that pack a large aroma. Look a little closer and you’ll find each bottle has a name written on it, such as lavender, tea tree, jasmine, peppermint, etc. Those are essential oils.
Inside the tiny essential oil bottles are highly concentrated compounds that were extracted from either plants, flowers, roots, bark, wood, or seeds. The aromatic compounds are extracted in one of two ways: through distillation or cold pressing. In the end, the oils capture a strong scent and flavor.
Before you use these popular oils, there are a few things you should know:
  1. While essential oils can occasionally be ingested, it’s not recommended. Rather, you should rub the oil on your skin, put a few drops into a relaxing detox bath, or add the oils to a diffuser.
  2. Before you apply essential oils to your body, make sure to dilute them with a carrier oil (like almond oil) or water. They should never be applied to your skin without diluting first or they could cause a reaction or irritation.
  3. Only use pure, therapeutic grade essential oils that are derived from plants or natural ingredients. You want to avoid oils that are made from synthetic fragrance oils. Synthetic oils are often toxic and typically contain allergenic compounds. I’ll talk more about how to choose the best grade of essential oils below.

Top Essential Oil Health Benefits

There are upwards of 100 different essential oils and each one has its own unique health benefits. Some of the most popular oils, such as lavender oil, offer a wide range of benefits.

Relieves Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting nearly 40 million adults and one in eight children. That’s according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Additionally, many people who suffer from anxiety also suffer from depression. While it can be hard to pick yourself back up, there are a number of natural ways a person can beat dark times. For example, studies show the smell of certain essential oils can offer relief. This is referred to as aromatherapy.
In one study, researchers had 40 men inhale a couple drops of either orange essential oil, tea tree essential oil, or water. Then, the men were exposed to a stressful test to see if they experienced signs of anxiety. Researchers found the men who had inhaled the essential oils had less of a reaction.
orange essential oil
Another study that involved 88 hospital staff members showed similar results. Participants were given an “SOS stress roll-on” that contained 12 essential oils. The roll-on was applied at least 3 times a day for one month on the pulse zones on the wrists. At the end of the study, participants saw a remarkable reduction in their stress level.
According to the National Cancer Institute’s PDQ online database:
The effects of aromatherapy are theorized to result from the binding of chemical components in the essential oil to receptors in the olfactory bulb, impacting the brain’s emotional center, the limbic system.”
Some essential oils that have been known to effectively ease stress, anxiety, and depression include:
  • Lavender 
  • Chamomile 
  • Frankincense 
  • Rose 
  • Vetiver 
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Wild Orange
  • Jasmine
  • Lemon

Eases Headaches and Migraine

We’ve all experienced the intense throbbing pain of a headache. You may have also experienced that nauseous feeling you get when a migraine strikes (someone turn off the lights, please!). If you suffer from frequent headaches and don’t like turning to pain medicine then try essential oils.
Essential oils are considered a safe alternative to medicine because they don’t have the same dangerous side effects (like liver and kidney damage) and they get to the root of the problem. For example, many people suffer from stress headaches. As you just read, essential oils can help you beat stress. Unbearable headaches can also be caused by hormone imbalance, allergies, and sinus pressure. Essential oils can help with all of these issues.
Studies have shown applying a mixture of peppermint oil and ethanol onto the forehead and temples can help relieve headaches. Some other oils that are commonly used to treat head pain include:
  • Lavender 
  • Eucalyptus
  • Rosemary
  • Chamomile
  • Green Apple

Relieve Nausea

Early pregnancy, motion sickness, digestive problems, migraines, anxiety, and viral infections are all reasons someone could be nauseous. It’s a common condition that starts with a queasy feeling in the pit of the stomach. Not fun. To help relieve nausea and vomiting, some researchers recommend aromatherapy.
In one study that looked at 100 pregnant women who were experiencing nausea and vomiting, researchers found those who inhaled lemon essential oil experienced a “significant” improvement. There have been other similar studies that reached the same conclusion.
Along with lemon, some other essential oils that have been shown effective at relieving nausea include:
  • Mint
  • Ginger
  • Orange
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Chamomile
  • Clary Sage
  • Lavender 

Promotes a Better Night’s Sleep

We should all be getting between 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Getting a good, quality sleep can help balance hormones, reduce stress, improve immunity, support heart health, and improve productivity level. Let’s be real, though, most people are getting way less than 7-9 hours of sleep every night. If you aren’t catching enough zzzz’s because you struggle to fall asleep then start incorporating essential oils into your nightly routine.
In one review that examined 15 different studies on essential oils and sleep, reviewers found the majority of the studies suggested a positive effect. Lavender essential oil was the most frequently studied essential oil and has been shown to have the best sleep-aid effect.
Along with lavender, some other essential oils that promote a better night’s sleep include:
  • Chamomile
  • Vetiver 
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Cedarwood 

Reduces Sinuses

Take a big whiff of essential oils to open up those sinuses! In case you don’t already know, sinuses are hollow cavities within the skull bone and are connected to the nasal passages. When a person’s sinuses are irritated by allergies or a cold they block the nasal passages and can fill up with mucus. This creates a lot of pressure and pain. Here’s some good news for you — if your sinuses are irritated, essential oils may be able to offer you some relief.
A few essential oils that can help open up your sinuses include:
  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon
  • Basil

May Reduce Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis is a painful condition that’s caused by inflammation in the joints. It’s so common that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates a whopping 52.5 million American adults suffer from it. One natural treatment that may ease arthritis pain is rubbing the area with essential oils. They work by quickly absorbing into the skin and fighting the harmful inflammation. For severe pain, try taking a bath with essential oils. Doctors recommend adding anywhere from 2 to 12 drops (depending on essential oil) along with vegetable oil into bath water. Then, sit and soak.
Some essentials that are commonly used to ease arthritis pain include:
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Rosemary
  • Orange
  • Ginger
  • Frankincense 
detox bath

Improves Circulation

Tingling, numbness, and throbbing in the limbs are all warning signs of poor circulation. This happens when blood flow is reduced to certain parts of the body. Poor circulation can be caused by a number of different health problems and is not something that should be ignored. Luckily, there are several things you can do on your own to improve your blood flow. One tip is to rub essential oils onto your skin. Remember – what you put on your skin winds up absorbing into your bloodstream. In this case, essential oils affect the circulatory system by dilating the blood vessels and allowing blood to flow. Some essential oils that are commonly used to improve circulation include:
  • Sage
  • Eucalyptus
  • Cypress
  • Ginger
  • Peppermint
  • Cinnamon 

Can Relieve Pain and Muscle Spasms

Speaking of rubbing essential oils onto your skin, researchers say you can also use them topically to relieve body aches and pains. If, for example, you are suffering from joint pain then using essential oils to relieve area inflammation can help to provide some relief. Additionally, if you are suffering from muscle pain, essential oils can help to relax the muscles and control spasms. There have been various studies done of various essential oils and the results are promising. Experts say certain oils actually work as mild sedatives.
If you are experiencing pain and want to use an essential oil for relief, try the following:
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Clary Sage
  • Peppermint
  • Frankincense 
back massage

Relieves PMS Symptoms

Cramps, cramps, and more cramps. Around that time of the month, some women experience debilitating stomach cramps that make them want to curl up in a ball and eat chocolate! But that’s not all. Many women (more than 75 percent of menstruating women) also experience breast tenderness, bloating, mood swings, and fatigue. To help beat painful PMS symptoms, try using essential oils. They can help by relieving muscle cramps, improving your circulation, and naturally balancing out your hormones.
Since different oils have unique benefits, when it comes to finding which oil to use, you may want to try making a blend. Scroll through this article to find oils that relax muscles, improve circulation, balance hormones, and improve mood. For example:
  • Clary Sage – for hormones
  • Cypress – for circulation
  • Lavender – for mood

Improves Immunity

Do you eat a poor diet filled with refined carbs? Do you often feel run down? Are you constantly getting sick? If so, then chances are you have a weak immune system. Your immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect your body from “foreign invaders” and illness. It’s important to keep these cells, tissues, and organs in tip-top shape. Essential oils can help do that for a few reasons.
  1. Essential oils have antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help to destroy harmful microorganisms. 
  2. Essentials oils can reduce your stress level. Did you know chronic stress wreaks havoc on your immune system? 
  3. Essential oils stimulate various important organs, helping them function properly. 

Improve Concentration

Whether you’re a student preparing for an important test or employee getting ready for a big work presentation, using essential oils may help set you up for success. That’s because certain essential oils have been known to stimulate the mind, improve concentration, and improve memory. Some of the best brain-boosting essential oils include:
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus 
Numerous research studies have also found essential oils to improve focus for people with ADD and ADHD. One study, in particular, done by Dr. Terry Friedman found that vetiver oil was beneficial for children with ADHD. When children inhaled the oil three times a day for 30 days they had shown an improvement in brain wave patterns and school performance. Friedman noticed similar improvements with cedarwood oil.

The Benefits Don’t Stop There

Improves Skin

Essential oils can help improve your skin in a variety of ways. They can soften and soothe skin, help dry out pimples, improve skin tone, speed up wound healing, and reduce the appearance of scars.

Natural House Cleaner

Store-bought house cleaners are loaded with toxic chemicals that are dangerous to you, your pets, and the environment. Rather than wiping your countertops and floors with toxins, make your own natural house cleaners with essential oils. Here are a few recipes:

Freshens Laundry

While dryer sheets can make your laundry smell fresh, they are loaded with chemicals. Next time you do a load of laundry, simply put a few drops of your favorite smelling essential oil on an old sock!
freshens laundry

Natural Bug Repellant

You can easily replace chemical-laden DEET with the following essential oils:
  • Peppermint
  • Cinnamon
  • Lemon eucalyptus
  • Catnip
Just soak a cotton ball in the essential oil of your choice and rub it on yourself for protection. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, don’t forget to dilute the oil with a carrier oil (like almond oil) before applying it to your skin to avoid an unwanted reaction.

How To Choose The Best Essential Oils

When it comes to essential oils, you have to be very careful which grade you buy and use. Many of the essential oils on the market today have been diluted or altered in some way. They may have even been mixed with another ingredient. That’s why it’s important to look for a statement of purity. It should say the product is 100% essential oil, assuring you the oil hasn’t been altered from its original state. Along with reading labels carefully, take notice to the price. The lower the price, the more likely the oil isn’t pure.
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

How to Detox for Acne in 7 Easy Steps

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7 Steps to Detox for Acne- how to get clear skin naturally.
It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that your entire body is connected, and your lifestyle plays a big part on all facets. By cleansing your body of impurities, you set it up so that all of your organs are working in harmony with one another. Since your skin is your biggest organ, it benefits as well from releasing harmful substances from the body and replacing them with nutrients and minerals your body needs for clear, healthy-looking skin. Here are a series of steps to make sure that you’ll be giving yourself the best conditions for the prevention of acne.

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 10, 2016

11 Amazing 10 Ways to NOT Detoxify Your Body

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Drinking water all by itself is a way to help flush the body of toxins on a daily basis, but with a few simple ingredients you can transform water into detox water and get even more benefit from it. This is something you can do each day, or as part of a more broad detoxing strategy. Each one of the ingredients listed here will provide slightly different benefits, so be sure to choose it according to the particular goal you have.
10 Ways to NOT Detoxify Your Body- anyone that is thinking of detoxing needs to read this.

Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 10, 2016

10 Secrets About 13 Things You Need to Know About the Master Cleanse

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If you’ve been contemplating trying the Master Cleanse there are a few things you should keep in mind before taking the plunge. It’s been around for quite some time, and it has a feels like equal parts Internet rumor and a legit cleanse. Much of it largely depends on making up your own mind on whether it’s something that will do your body good, so we’ve compiled a list of tidbits and facts to mull over before starting.
13 Things You Need to Know About the Master Cleanse- a must-read for anyone thinking of trying the master cleanse (lemonade diet) detox.

Top 9 Detoxifying Spices to Help Cleanse the Body

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How to use spices to detoxify your body and mind.
Perhaps you only think of spices as something you add to food to make them taste better. But there are actually some that can be a real boost to the body, and help it rid itself of toxins. You can use these spices as a part of a larger detox effort, or used as part of your daily routine to keep the body functioning well. Just be sure to check the side effects of each one, because some of them can be quite potent and you don’t want the side effects to outweigh the benefits they have. Some people will be more likely to be affected by these spices than others, depending on several factors, so try them in small amounts before using more.

Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 10, 2016

Which Salt Is The Healthiest?

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To salt or not to salt ... that is the question! See the top 5 different types of salt and how they affect health.

To salt or not to salt … that is the question! For years, doctors and government regulators alike have been telling us to reduce our salt intake for health reasons. They say a high-salt diet could lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and even death. But is this true? Is salt really the enemy? While there is still a debate on this topic, research shows the white stuff we use to flavor our food isn’t quite the evil it’s made out to be. Well, if you’re consuming the right type that is!

What is Salt?

For decades, researchers have been studying salt and its impact on the human body. Before we go any farther, it’s important to understand what salt is.
Salt is a crystalline mineral that’s made from sodium and chlorine (NaCl). These two elements are essential for life. We cannot live without them because they contribute to numerous critical biological processes, including:
  • Regulating the amount of water that’s in and around your cells
  • Carrying nutrients into and out of your cells
  • Helping the brain function
  • Helping the nerves send out electrical impulses
  • Aiding digestion and metabolism
  • Supporting adrenal function
  • Maintaining and regulating blood pressure
You may be wondering, if the elements that make up salt are so important for our health then why does salt have such a bad reputation? What a lot of people don’t realize is there’s a huge difference between natural salt and the refined stuff we usually eat.

5 Types of Salt and How They Affect Health

There are a large variety of salts on the market ranging in color, texture, taste, and nutritional value. Today, we are going to focus on five of the most commonly used and talked about salts: refined table salt, sea salt, kosher salt, pink Himalayan salt, and Celtic sea salt.

Refined Salt

Refined salt, also referred to as table salt or cooking salt, is originally produced from either salt mines or evaporated ocean water. I’d like to take a minute and add a quick note here to make you aware, that when you see the word refined on a label of any food, a red flag should go up. That one little word is telling you that the food has been processed. When a food has been refined (processed) it has been altered from its original state. So, as in the case of the refined salt, what started out as a beneficial mineral, is quickly transformed into an altered state. It’s been chemically cleaned and stripped of natural healing minerals which in the end reduces its initial natural nutrients.
refined salt
Here’s what happens: Before refined salt hits the shelves of your local grocery store, it’s dried in high heat above 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. That excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt. To make matters worse, during the drying process, manufacturers add anti-caking agents so the end product will pour and flow freely. Dr. Joesph Mercola says these anti-caking agents are “dangerous chemicals like ferrocyanide and aluminosilicate.”
Along with anti-caking agents, iodine is also added to refined salt. Why? In the United States, it started in 1924. At that time many people were experiencing iodine deficiencies, which can lead to goiters (enlarged thyroid) and thyroid disease. Today, though, it is easier and recommended to get iodine from whole foods, like saltwater fish and dairy.
Overall, table salt is not pure. Rather, it’s 97.5 percent sodium chloride and 2.5 percent chemicals.
Consuming too much of this type of salt can cause excess fluid in your body tissues and lead to various health issues. Despite table salt having little in common with natural salt, this is the type most people use to flavor their homecooked food and most food manufacturing companies dump into their packaged products. Even sweet foods that don’t taste salty are loaded with refined salt and sodium. Manufacturers use it to preserve foods (extending their shelf life) and enhance flavor. Unfortunately, more than 75 percent of sodium in the average American’s diet is coming from processed foods. So even if you don’t think you’re eating refined salt, you probably are.
Without debate, there is far too much sodium in packaged foods. Aside from the high sodium content, though, it’s best to stay away from processed, packaged foods altogether. That’s because, along with salt, they are loaded with high fructose corn syrup and other dangerous food additives that can be detrimental to health.
salt in processed foods

Sea Salt

If you’ve ever had sea salt then you know there is a huge texture difference when compared to traditional table salt. Sea salt is often less ground, meaning the salt flakes are larger. This type of salt is made by evaporating seawater and usually contains some amount of trace minerals like potassium, iron, and zinc. While sea salt is definitely a better choice than refined table salt, it’s still not the best. That’s because of the pollutants in our oceans. Our oceans have become a dumping grounds for toxic poisons like mercury and much more. Just like pollution has affected our fish supply, sea salt can also contain trace amounts of heavy metals, like lead and mercury.
sea salt

Kosher Salt

Kosher salt was originally used for Jewish religious purposes. It was used to remove blood from the surface of meat, making the meat Kosher. This type of salt has a flaky, coarse structure that easily draws out the blood. While Kosher salt is similar to table salt because they both originate from either underground mine deposits or evaporated seawater, the two salts are not the same. Aside from the larger grains and different texture, Kosher salt is not iodized and usually doesn’t contain anti-caking agents. If manufacturers do add anti-caking agents to Kosher salt, though, it is in much smaller amounts than compared to table salt.
kosher salt

Pink Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan salt derives from the mountains of the Himalayas. It’s called the purest salt on earth because it’s said to be uncontaminated with modern day toxins or pollutants. Another benefit of Himalayan salt is it contains lower amounts of sodium than table salt. Plus, it also contains small amounts of minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. In fact, 16 percent of Himalayan salt are naturally occurring trace minerals. It’s only 84 percent sodium chloride (compare that to table salt, which is 97.5 percent sodium chloride).
Doctors say regular consumption of pink Himalayan salt can help balance electrolytes, balance the body’s pH level, support nutrient absorption, and eliminate toxins. Aside from the health benefits, this type of salt is a bit coarser and offers a strong flavor. A little goes a long way in terms of pleasing your taste buds!
Himalayan salt

Celtic Salt

Celtic sea salt originates from Brittany, France near the Celtic Sea. It has a grayish hue and retains its moisture. So no matter how you store this type of salt, it will always be moist to the touch.
Despite the texture difference, many health experts compare Celtic salt to pink Himalayan salt because of it’s nutritional content. Celtic salt also contains a variety of trace minerals and is lower in sodium than regular table salt. In fact, studies show Celtic salt has the least amount of sodium than any of the other salts mentioned on this list. It also has the highest amount of certain key minerals, such as calcium and magnesium.
With similar nutrients, it may not come as a surprise that Celtic salt is slated to offer the same health benefits as Himalayan salt.
Celtic Sea Salt

So Which Salt Is The Healthiest?

Your best best is to stick with pink Himalayan salt and Celtic sea salt. They are both pure, contain the lowest amount of sodium, and have the highest amount of trace minerals.

Don’t Fear Salt

If you are someone who fears salt, it’s time to change your mindset. At the beginning of this article, I mentioned how doctors and government regulators alike have been telling us to reduce our salt intake in fear it could lead to heart disease. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) says people shouldn’t consume more than 2,300 mg of sodium per day (that’s about one teaspoon).  The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends cutting back even more, to no more than 1500 mg per day. It’s estimated that more than 90 percent of U.S. adults consume a lot more than the recommendation, though. While you should definitely reduce your intake of refined ‘fake’ salt, a great deal of research shows absolutely no connection between pure salt and heart disease. In fact, scientific research hasn’t shown any evidence that eating a low-salt diet prevents heart attacks, stroke, or death. On the contrary, many studies actually show the opposite — that eating too little salt can be harmful.
Find out more about the war on salt in this great video by Dr. Joesph Mercola:

Let’s say you avoid processed foods altogether and nourish your body with organic fruits, vegetables, lean protein, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Chances are you are going to reach for the salt shaker to give your food some flavor. Don’t feel guilty. Sprinkling your food with a little pure salt is completely fine and can even offer you a few extra nutrients.
With that said, it’s important to note that everyone’s body is unique and reacts to things differently. If you have any high blood pressure, heart complications, other health concerns, or are taking medications then it’s always best to talk to your doctor before altering your salt intake. 
P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 10, 2016

Top 8 Homemade Detox Smoothies to Cleanse Your System

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Detox smoothies are a delicious way to detox, and one of the best detox drinks to add to your daily routine. To detox the body you need to feed it foods that help it purge itself, while at the same time provide it with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function at its best.
Berry Smoothie

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 10, 2016

How to Detox from Sugar in 7 Easy Steps

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Sugar may not seem like something you’d need to detox from, but when you realize that it’s not a natural substance and humans have only been eating it for a very short period of time, it’s clear that it should be used only in small amounts occasionally. The problem is that our food is loaded with sugar, and so many sugar options abound. It’s not really your fault if you’ve been lured in by the sugar monsters, as they’re lurking around every corner. But the good news is that you can do something about it, by becoming aware of your sugar intake and helping the body purge itself of cravings.
Here are 7 simple steps to follow to make sugar detox easier and more rewarding... You would be amazed at how energized and good this can actually make you feel.

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