Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2016

Detox Question and Answer

Detox FAQ

28 Natural Ways to Detox Your Body- the best resource for cleansing tips.

What is a detoxing diet?

A detoxing diet is one that is set up to get the body to flush out toxins and accumulated waste so that it functions more properly, and sets the foundation for a healthier lifestyle. The working theory is that the body lives in a toxic environment, from the foods we eat to our homes and offices, there are plenty of things that make it so we get away from our natural state. Detoxing is presented as a way of helping to get rid of those toxins, allowing our digestive and immune systems to get back to normal and keep us healthy.

Can detoxing cause diarrhea?

Depending on what type of detox program you’re on, you may experience diarrhea. This is especially true if you are using a special type of tea or food that is meant to help clean out your colon or digestive system. The severity of the diarrhea will depend on how much you needed to expel, or how powerful the food or drink in question is. It is not the same as having diarrhea caused by a stomach bug.

Does detoxing cause breakouts?

If your detoxing efforts are successful, your body will be expelling toxins at a rapid rate. This has been known to cause breakouts in some individuals as your body tries to cope with what is happening. The good news is that once you have completed the detox program you should notice an improvement in your skin. It should be more radiant and clearer once it’s not battling excess amounts of toxins.

Can detoxing make you constipated?

Many times a detox program will have you cutting back on the amount of food you eat. The less that goes in, the less that comes out, so many people experience what seems to be constipation. With other programs that have you eating foods you’ll likely be eating more leafy greens and other foods that are high in fiber, and that should be enough to keep you regular throughout.

How long does detoxing take?

In many instances this is entirely up to you, but there are also several programs that have a set amount of time, like a 24 hour detox, or a 3 day detox, or even a week, two weeks, or a month. That’s why it’s important to pick a time frame that sounds right to you, and to approach this so that you don’t bite off more than you can chew if it’s your first time detoxing. Take it slow and know that you can always stop early if you feel you need to.

Can detoxing cause nausea?

With the drastic changes happening to the body during a detox, it’s quite possible that you may experience nausea. There are several reasons why this might happen. First, if your body has grown accustomed to certain toxins, it will be somewhat traumatic for them to be purged. Also, if you are eating a specific food or drinking a detox tea that doesn’t agree with you, it might make you feel nauseous.

Does detoxing make you gassy?

There is a chance that detoxing will cause gas, since many of them will have you eating all-natural and raw foods, and if your digestive system isn’t used to them it may respond with excess gas. You may also be doing a colon cleanse during the program, and that can lead to gas as you are cleansing the walls of the colon and releasing built up feces and other debris that has accumulated.

Is detoxing a hoax?

Because of the drastic claims made by some companies and authors about what their detox program can do for you, many have come to believe that the whole concept is bunk. But while detoxing may not be the miracle solution it’s often described as, it can’t really be considered a hoax either. It’s logical to think that giving the digestive system a break and treating the body well for a span of time would have enormous benefits. If nothing else you’re stopping the constant flow of processed foods and upping your intake of nutrient-dense foods, so some good must come from it.

Can detoxing make your period late?

Many factors can affect your period, including stress and changes in your diet and lifestyle. Since detoxing typically involves drastically changing your food intake, some women have reported a change in their menstruation cycle. If you are concerned about how a detoxing program will affect your cycle be sure to consult with your doctor and let them know which one you are considering, including how long you’ll be on it and what it entails.

Does detoxing help with cellulite?

Cellulite is a pesky problem, and those that have it will consider most viable options for getting rid of it. While there are several reports that certain detox diets help to improve the skin, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of scientific evidence or research studies into how detoxing can help with cellulite. If cellulite is one of your major concerns, pick a detoxing program that specifically states it’s designed to help with it.

Is fasting detoxing?

The two are not synonymous, but many detoxing methods involve fasting, or drastically cutting back on food while you’re on the program. The idea is that by cutting off your food supply you’re giving the digestive system a chance to rest. By not having a constant supply of food to eat, it’s able to process whatever the last thing you ate was, and then work on repairing itself, or purging itself of anything that doesn’t belong. You may also see things like a fruit and veggie fast, or a juice fast, where you’re not exactly fasting in the strictest sense of the word, but you’re limiting yourself to only those foods, or only juices.

Can detoxing cause anxiety?

It’s not uncommon to feel anxious while detoxing. It involves treating your body in ways that are likely unusual, and this can lead to stress and anxiety because you don’t quite know how your body will respond. If your detox program involves fasting, you may get a bit antsy about the process, and you may even panic halfway through if you haven’t established a proper re-entry plan. That’s why it’s a good idea to follow a program that resonates with you so that all of the steps are laid out and you don’t have to worry about it.

Does detoxing help eczema?

You’ll want to make sure that you choose what’s called an “eczema detox program” in order to make sure that you end up treating it, instead of making it worse. There is anecdotal evidence that you can actually worsen the condition if you are following a detox plan that doesn’t take it into account. Stick with a program that is specifically designed to have you abstain from things that make it worse, and flood your body with things that can help.

Does water detox the body?

Water has a cleansing effect on the body and every detox program out there will stress the importance of keeping yourself hydrated while detoxing. If you’ve been in a dehydrated state for an extended period of time – and many Americans are – you can get a great benefit by gradually bringing more water into your life. If you are following a detox program, be sure to drink enough water since all of your organs benefit by it, and it will help facilitate the release of toxic substances and waste.

Can detoxing help you quit smoking?

One theory of detoxing is that you can help the body purge itself of nicotine, as this is a toxic substance. If you want to go this route be sure to follow a program that is designed specifically for nicotine detox. It will help you to cope with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that are sure to arise, and will have you eating foods and drinking drinks that are geared towards flushing out the nicotine.

Do detoxifying foot pads work?

Detoxifying foot pads are meant to be worn at night, and are supposed to extract toxins out of the bottom of your feet. The “proof” is allegedly in the pad, since it changes color from a bright and clean white when you put it on, to a disgusting black or dark brown when you wake up in the morning. But numerous studies have shown that there aren’t any toxins in the used pads, and that the color change is due to a chemical reaction from ingredients in the pad reacting with the sweat produced by the feet during the night.

Does detoxing help with hair growth?

Many a balding man has wondered if detoxing will cause the problem to stop, or even reverse itself. It’s nice to think that it’s a toxin that is causing the hair loss, but if it’s male pattern baldness you’ll likely see no difference in the problem. Just ask the many men that have completed several detox programs and still have seen no change in their hair loss. A detox may help with the quality of the hair you do have, making it appear more healthy and shiny, but we have found no evidence that it can help with male pattern baldness. There may be other causes of hair loss that it is effective with.

Does detoxing make you poop?

Many detoxing programs focus on clearing out your digestive system including your colon, so you’ll likely see an increase in the amount of poop coming out of you. This is due to the large number of vegetables, fruits, and other foods and drinks that are consumed during a detox that are geared at stimulating the bowels, or that are full of fiber so that it really gets things moving. If you don’t typically eat a lot of fiber, and have a sluggish digestive system, this will most assuredly get you to go more often than you do.

Is detoxing good for diabetics?

There are certain programs that have been established for those with diabetes, which takes into account the special needs in regards to blood glucose levels. In any case, you’ll want to run it past your doctor, since they’ll have your full medical history and will be able to alert you any possible problems they see with the foods you’ll be eating and the amount of time between meals. What you don’t want to do is choose a program that does not mention whether or not it is suitable for diabetics.

Does detoxing make you sick?

There is some concern as to whether detoxing can make you sick, by tampering with the immune system and leaving you susceptible to colds and other illnesses that you otherwise wouldn’t get. But overall the detoxing should provide you with an improved immune system, as well as improved digestion, which should make it so you’re healthier and less likely to get sick. There is also the phenomenon of releasing a load of toxins all at once, and feeling like you have a cold, but this is a temporary condition that passes with time.

Can detoxing cause joint pain?

It all depends on the program you pick. Some detox programs focus on anti-inflammatory foods and beverages which should actually provide relief for joint pain caused by inflammation. There are others that will actually cause more inflammation while you’re on them, which is why it’s a good idea to study up on what is involved, what you’ll be eating, and how long you’ll be doing the program. Take this information to your doctor for their advice.

Do detoxification programs work?

Since everyone has their own goals and expectations when it comes to detoxing, it really is a subjective situation. If you get swept away by claims of improved sleep, more energy, a clearer complexion, rapid weight loss, clearer thinking, and more, you may be disappointed when all that happens is you feel a little better. You may be even more disappointed when you find that you feel worse. It’s a good idea to set clear goals when it comes to what you’re trying to accomplish, and then do your best to objectively analyze the results.

Is detoxing really necessary?

This is really up to you to decide. Some people find that the idea of detoxing makes a lot of sense, and they schedule it at regular intervals throughout the year. Others take the approach that it’s not really necessary because those in previous generations didn’t detox, and they lived to be 80, 90, etc. When you consider that foods today are more heavily processed than any time in our history, and that there are more people on the planet than any time before, it starts to make more sense to cleanse the body on a regular basis, if nothing more than to help put a dent in how many impurities we’re exposed to.

Does detoxing make you smell?

There is a thought that if you are eating nothing but fruits and vegetables and drinking herbal teas that your body will start to give off a particular odor. Since you’re also supposed to be releasing toxins it only makes sense that your body odor would be affected. But aside from a few stories from those that said they noticed a smell while detoxing, you shouldn’t expect it. There may be some programs that have a higher likelihood of causing a smell than others, based on what you’re eating and drinking.

Is detoxing your liver safe?

Detoxing the liver is generally safe as long as you don’t go to extremes or do things to jeopardize your overall health. The liver is a resilient organ, and it just needs a little TLC to provide great benefits. Choosing a detox program with an emphasis on cleansing the liver is a good idea in most cases, especially if you haven’t exactly been kind to your liver through the years.

Can detoxing cure herpes?

Herpes has no cure currently, but you may find that detoxing helps to minimize your symptoms and outbreaks. There are several programs that say they have figured out the cure for herpes and that it involves following a certain detox plan. But in these claims they fail to establish that the herpes virus has really been “cured” and that it is no longer found in the body.

P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Detox foods, Detox Question, Detox Question and Answer

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