Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 8, 2016

10 Best Practices For BEST FITNESS APPS FOR 2016

No matter how overused the phrase ‘new year, new you’ is getting, chances are you’ve recently joined a gym or are desperately searching for those old running shoes you bought last January. And used twice.
Yuletide excess needs shifting – just check the stats for binge drinking – but to keep on the straight and narrow, you’re going to need extra help. By far the cheapest and most accessible option is a fitness app, but hold fire; these waters be murky.
Spouting vaguely scientific jargon can make anyone sound well read in exercise physiology, and unfortunately the same is true of some fitness and wellbeing apps. It can be tricky to sort the pros from the cons, so allow us to wade in with some guidance. Rule no. 1: only trust tried and tested apps with a reputable background – such as Microsoft Health or Strava. Free downloads are great but if the app only has a few users and features adverts to some pretty unreputable and decidedly non-fitness related sites, you’re best off steering clear.
With that in mind, we’ve collated your best options for streamlining your New Year fitness crusade. Flatten your belly and pack muscle on up top, all at the flick of a screen.

1>Be Best Fitness Organizer and Tracker

Released at the closing of last year, this up-to-date app attempts to go one better than all its rivals and be the only fitness app you need. Whether you’re looking to count calories, track GPS runs or receive expert coaching, Be Best collates it all under one digital roof. Our favourite feature is the event organiser, which integrates with your phone’s calendar to track events like parkruns. Wondering what your time to beat is this week? Check in on the app to receive a detailed split of last time’s stats.
The event organisation is a useful touch for regular competitors and the scatter graph analysis of your various goals makes judging progress a doddle. 8/10


Despite sounding like a badly pronounced Spanish Blackadder spin-off, this relatively recent app has some appealing features for first time fitness enthusiasts. As well as tracking your activity, there is an option to share your achievements with friends and other users around the globe. Think Facebook meets fitness. Besides the social aspect, Endomondo can also track over 50 different exercises and provide real-time audio feedback on your efforts to spur you on. So far you can’t personalise the voice but we’re counting on the day when Yoda becomes your personal trainer.
Audio feedback is an interesting touch but won't be for everyone. The addition of challenges you can take on - sponsored by fitness brands - is a unique feature that we like the look of, though. 7/10

3>Microsoft Health

Ever envisage a workout only for it all to go out the window as soon as you hit the gym floor? Worry no more: Microsoft’s unique pre-progamming feature allows you to build a workout beforehand which will then feed into your phone for live prompts. If you have an accompanying Microsoft Band, these prompts materialise as vibrations on your wrist for even more accessible reminders. No more guessing when your rest period is up: it’s now, so up and at ‘em, champ.
So much more than a workout programmer. 24/7 heart rate analysis, sleep tracking and cardio GPS - as well as golf tracking - are just a few of the features packed into this app. One to keep an eye on. 9/10



Now established as the go-to calorie counting app, myfitnesspal has an unrivalled food database to browse to make sure your meals are accurately recorded. What if you want to know more than how much you eat? Connect up to a host of activity trackers, like Jawbone UP or Endomondo, to instantly calculate if you’re in a calorie deficit or excess. Which you might not want to be doing right after Christmas, true, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.
It's a classic for a reason. An easy-to-use app means filing food entries doesn't eat up your day. 8/10


Freeletics is fresh in time for 2016 and looks to set to challenge the older hands with some impressive features. Weekly recipes tailored to your diet plan are among are favourite features, whilst the accompanying training plan is personalised to your goals and activities. Throw the mandatory social platform for sharing your achievements and this free download - there is a paid for premium option – is definitely worth considering to get on the road to fast gains. For days.
 We're fans of the motivational and educational blog posts that accompany the app's service. Too early to see how well this newcomer will take off. 7/10


This veteran app’s enduring strength and popularity lies in its friends. Compatible with over 25 different activity-tracking devices, Strava allows users from a huge variety of sports and activities to compare data and analyze their results. Detailed breakdown of exercise is perhaps our favourite feature; for endurance athletes, the 3D mapping allows users to expertly plan routes. You know, to avoid the hard bits.
Endorsements by fitness tech giants like Garmin and Polar have to count for something. This has to be an endurance athlete's go-to app. 9/10

P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.


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