Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 8, 2016

What are the best ways to lose weight

What are the best ways to lose weight? How do I burn off excess belly fat? What exercises burn fat from my thighs and waist - when it comes to weight loss and fat burning - these are the million dollar questions; we all want to know - what is the best way for me to lose weight?

I struggled for years, trying to figure out how to burn calories and fat and still feel like I had energy (in other words, without starving myself. Once I figured out the best way to lose weight for me, I started sharing my diet, exercise, and nutrition plans with others, and it worked for them too! Then I became a personal trainer and went to college for health and nutrition; then I became a health teacher - and I owe it all to my struggle to figure out the best ways to lose weight, to burn fat, and to feel great about my body.
What makes my fat-loss and weight loss strategies different than others is approached it with the backing of science, experience, and common sense - and it really worked for me!
Really, losing weight isn’t easy - if it was, you wouldn’t be reading this! The best way to lose weight takes commitment, it takes work, it takes patience, and it takes you following my advice - Oh, plus it takes you wanting to be thin more than you being ok with being fat. Let me share some of my best ways to lose weight:
Exercise is Important, But Your Diet Is The Key to Lasting Weight Loss
In fact, when it comes to burning fat and losing weight - truer words have never been spoken. Diet and exercise are essential partners in your weight loss effort - essential, but not equal partners. THE FOODS YOU EAT DETERMINE HOW MUCH WEIGHT YOU LOSE. As a matter of fact, it isn’t even close - weight loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise.
What Should You Eat To Lose Weight?
Let’s differentiate losing weight from depriving your body of healthy calories and essential nutrients. Actually - I’ve found it helpful to visualize my metabolism like a fire - when you add gas to a fire, it instantly flairs up, puts off tons of heat, then almost as fast as it started, it ends. That’s essentially the same thing that happens when you eat sugar, processed foods, and simple carbohydrates - you get that immediate burst of energy - feeling great; but then you crash and feel tired and grumpy - you start to crave sugary, fatty food, and empty calories in hopes of feeling great again, so if you are like I was - what did you do? Ate more sugar and simple carbohydrates (or in my case - potato chips)! And so the cycle begins - and continues; along the way the body starts to change, adding fat, increasing blood sugars, raising blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Turn Your Metabolism into a Consistent, Slow Burning Fire and Lose Weight
The perfect fire is long lasting, slow-burning, and produces steady and consistent heat. This is the same concept as the perfect metabolism. The foods you eat should provide long-lasting energy, eliminate energy crashes, and result in burning excess body fat - all while feeling great.
The Best Foods To Eat To Lose Weight
I am going to share some larger concepts that detail the food you eat, if you want more specific information, I will add a link to a website that provides detailed information and eating plans below. So, eat to lose weight by:
·       Eating Fresh Vegetables Every Day (at least 6 to 8 serving a day)
·       Totally Eliminating Sugars and Simple Carbohydrates
·       Adding Lean Proteins and Omega-3 Fatty Acids To Your Diet
·       Incorporating High-Quality Probiotics
·       Drinking Tons of Water (at least 100 ounces a day)

Important Habits To Successful Weight Loss
In addition to eating to lose weight, it is important to really focus on the following:
Be Consistent: Find the eating plan that works for you, and follow it - EVERY DAY!;
Listen To Your Body: Your body will tell you if what you are doing is working; you will know if the weight loss plan is effective or not by monitoring your weight loss and paying careful attention to your energy levels, mood, and overall level of health.
Exercise: Start small, but you do need to move. Walk, Walk faster, jog, rake the yard, work up to 5 minutes of cardio, then 10, 15, 20...remember, slow and steady wins the race - Exercise is Important - BUT A SUCCESSFUL EATING PLAN IS KEY!
Sleep More Than You Do Now. Your body needs to build muscle, repair itself, and burn fat - most of this happens while you sleep; 7 to 8 hours - minimum!
Stay Positive! Like I said, burning fat and losing weight isn’t easy - and there will be days that you just feel down and out - DON’T GIVE UP - Focus on why you are eating and exercising to lose weight; visualize your goals; and look at how far you have come - If it helps you - email me, let me help you reach your goals or just support you in your efforts!

P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

best ways to lose weight, lose weight, the best ways, What are the best ways

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