Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 8, 2016

How to Cook & Eat Clean

How to Cook & Eat Clean

What exactly is “clean” food? It depends on who you ask. You’ll have to formulate your own working definition so you can buy and eat foods that live up to your standards.
The first step is phasing out foods that are obviously not clean, ones that are prepackaged and contain a lot of additives in order to extend their shelf life or make them easy to prepare.
375 Healthy Recipes- a must-read for anyone that wants to cook, eat & live healthier.
Cooking Clean
Cooking clean means following recipes that don’t include ingredients that contain unnatural chemicals, additives, and foods that were invented in the modern era. It may involve learning new ways of cooking, and breaking away from traditional recipes that our parents and grandparents taught us how to cook.The foods they ate were likely cleaner than the ones we find now, because even in the last century there has been a major change to the way food companies make their products.

Eating Clean
Eating clean involves avoiding all of the unclean foods that are abundant in the world. This includes not only obvious offenders like fast food and junk food, but also sneaky foods like most boxed-up entrees that you find on store shelves. It might involve spending fewer nights eating out, and more nights at home trying a new recipe. You’re going to want to be always on the alert for foods that don’t make the grade, as they can pop up at inconvenient times, cake for someone’s birthday at the office for example.

The Caveman Test
One way to see if something is clean or not is to ask whether cavemen would have been able to eat what you’re about to eat. While we may not think of cavemen as being tidy, they definitely didn’t have access to the majority of the food that presents itself in modern society. Their food is considered clean because the fruits and vegetables were found growing wild in nature, and the meat was freshly killed and eaten.
While it may not be feasible to eat entirely like a caveman – no one expects you to hunt and gather to survive – taking as many tips from them as possible seems to work in our favor.

Cleaning Up Your Act
It’s important to remain diligent when it comes to adopting a new, cleaner way of eating and cooking. It may seem akin to starting a revolution from your kitchen, breaking away from allowing major corporations to feed you. But the health benefits that typically follow are worth the effort, and you’ll likely start noticing short term successes in the way you look and feel. Stay focused, and make it your mission to eat as cleanly as you can.

P.S. Take a look at the 5 veggies that boost female metabolism and burn off lower belly fat.

Eat Clean, Healthy Recipes, How to Cook, How to Cook & Eat Clean

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